Carlos Tevez sticks to his guns over leaving Manchester City

goat boy said:
tbh, i really will believe we've got tevez next season if hes still here when the transfer window shuts. 'meeting with his agent'. yes, that'd be right... hands up who remembers thinking that that guy is utter poison?

Exactly, I think this is going to be far from straightforward as long as Kia is involved. Tevez said he will have talks next week, when the season is over. I think he'll probably ask to leave, but whether any club will be able to match the fee we'll demand or the wages he'll want remain to be see. I hope he'll be in a City shirt for the opening game of next season.
The parallels with the mid-season transfer request fiasco are obvious and I'm very disappointed the club are going to allow another tit for tat slanging match with Kia to be played out through the media.

Simply put, we are in a much stronger position now than we ever have been to tell this parasite to sling his hook and if that means taking his Argentinian lapdog with him so be it.
I have seen city sell their best player a few times Tommy Caton Clive Wilson Steve Lomas Paul Stwart and SWP on all those occasions I was very upset but this time if Carlos goes I'm not bothered, so what I say we can buy better we have all the money in the world and if he goes it's a positive for me as we will get someone who wants to play for us (well at least play for us and the £200k a week)

I would rather see NDJ Vinne and Mairo they are our future not Carlos T

If he stays good not bothered either way
Daniel Taylor's got form as a far as City stories are concerned

as in 'stories'

as in 'bitter'

as in 'grow up'

I have two sisters working at the Gruniad.. trust me
he's been on arg radio tonight saying he doesn't know what he'll do, people say he's going italy....spain... but the truth is he doesn't know, he is fine with man city but it's his daughters and he's going back to ARG in the off season and will decide then.
JuniorBlue said:
zeven said:
Now im starting to get tired of this Tevez saga.


Me too. It may be shit but until he commits to us we are going to get this crap, we'll still probably get this crap even if he does commit.

It's pretty obvious KJ and CT are angling for another transfer bonus and signing on fee. The problem they have got is he has now priced himself at £40m -50m and will not want to take less than £250k/week? in wages.

Realistically, especially with FFPR looming on the horizon, only about 2 clubs in the world will pay that (Real, Barca) with maybe Chelsea (City won't sell to them) or the two Milans (not sure they would cough up that sort of cash anyway).

Looks like Real or Barca aren't interested, not for that price, so he's pretty much got nowhere to go.
JuniorBlue said:
zeven said:
Now im starting to get tired of this Tevez saga.

As I said last night after Mancini's press conference, I think the only thing that will stop Tevez from leaving is a £50m pricetag & £250,000 a week wages.

Tevez & Joorabchian have got previous with this & irrespective of how essential Tevez is to us, we cannot allow him to draw this will he, wont he saga out all summer!

We need to take control & give Tevez a deadline of 31st May for a yes or no. Yes, he must see out the balance of his contract. No, fuck him off to the highest bidder.... Simples
I'm not surprised Mancinis's comments last night have rebounded like this, in some ways it would have been better if Bob had kept schtumm, but maybe it was a ploy from the club, or maybe Carlos told Bob he didn't wan't to leave it was the family, who knows, I doubt if the truth will ever out.

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