Carlos Tevez sticks to his guns over leaving Manchester City

As important a player as Tevez is for us, if he wants to go f**k him. Let him go. We'll still have Jo, anyway.

On a serious note, I don't think he particularly wants to leave City and if he could find some arrangement whereby he could see his kids more he'd be 'appy as Larry'.
bigf42 said:
I'm not surprised Mancinis's comments last night have rebounded like this, in some ways it would have been better if Bob had kept schtumm, but maybe it was a ploy from the club, or maybe Carlos told Bob he didn't wan't to leave it was the family, who knows, I doubt if the truth will ever out.

I think Mancini is trying to force the issue. He wants a decision one way or the other and he wants it quick.

Have read some of the interview quotes - talks about the Gallagher brothers (gets on with them), the national team, no issues with City and understands Mancini better when he talks in Italian because his English sucks (Tevez that is) and so on.

Funny enough I don't get the impression he is desperate to leave but i don't think Mancini is happy to wait while Tevez dicks around making his mind up
I`m assuming that all these so called City fans who claim they "couldn`t care less" if he went,have NO children of their own and therefore have no knowledge of what its like being away from them,especially at their very young age.
I couldn`t begin to understand what it must be like for Carlos, so for that reason alone,I would be happy for him to leave and to enjoy seeing his little ones on a more daily basis.
I imagine a buyer won't be found given the price we want and he will be here next season.
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
Why doesnt the Sheikh just lend him one of his jets for the season? Problem solved.

I was just thinking this. One practical issue may be their range. I'm not sure if their are any private jets that can get across the Atlantic to South America in one hop - thus rendering this suggestion useless.

Any plane spotters out there that can help?
Marvin said:
tamsie said:
I have seen city sell their best player a few times Tommy Caton Clive Wilson Steve Lomas Paul Stwart and SWP on all those occasions I was very upset but this time if Carlos goes I'm not bothered, so what I say we can buy better we have all the money in the world and if he goes it's a positive for me as we will get someone who wants to play for us (well at least play for us and the £200k a week)

I would rather see NDJ Vinne and Mairo they are our future not Carlos T

If he stays good not bothered either way
If he stays he is our future and strikers make all the difference. He is the best player in the Premiership in my opinion. Impossible to replace.

Don't get fed up with him. He wants to be with his kids.

I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure that is just shite being made up (maybe some truth in it) so he can get the sympathy vote. He's got previous with every club he has played for, never stayed more than 2 seasons since he left Boca and always coming up with some bullshit excuse and saying "How much he loves the fans".

Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic player and I hope he stays because of that, but lets face facts, he is the ultimate football mercenary.

I would practically bet my mortgage if he doesn't get his way and get a transfer he will run down his contract so he gets a final payday contract at the age of 30 unless a miracle happens.
BobKowalski said:
bigf42 said:
I'm not surprised Mancinis's comments last night have rebounded like this, in some ways it would have been better if Bob had kept schtumm, but maybe it was a ploy from the club, or maybe Carlos told Bob he didn't wan't to leave it was the family, who knows, I doubt if the truth will ever out.

I think Mancini is trying to force the issue. He wants a decision one way or the other and he wants it quick.

Have read some of the interview quotes - talks about the Gallagher brothers (gets on with them), the national team, no issues with City and understands Mancini better when he talks in Italian because his English sucks (Tevez that is) and so on.

Funny enough I don't get the impression he is desperate to leave but i don't think Mancini is happy to wait while Tevez dicks around making his mind up
I can see this rumbling on all Summer if not next year. I think he'll stay just because he is happy with his football, and that's something, and the only likely option seemed to be Inter and that seems to have closed

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