Cascarino on Robinho

I still can't believe that some on here won't remove their blue-tinted specs and actually still have a hard-on for Robinho, despite the fact that he's just fucked us off rather than fight for his place when things weren't going his way.

I lost all respect for him along time ago !
paul_blue said:
Sorry guys but i have to agree with him on this one.

I can count on one hand the number of games that Robinho has been involved in where i've thought 'WOW'!!

What about the Robbie Keane to Liverpool transfer, as a bigger gaffe. £22mil, and the lad didn't last 6 months, and most of his apperances came form the bench.

I'm not saying robinho was a world beater while he's been here, but last year played well in a few games, and scored a hat-full of goals. There have been many worse signings than him, even if you look at the transfer fee.
Clubber said:
paul_blue said:
Sorry guys but i have to agree with him on this one.

I can count on one hand the number of games that Robinho has been involved in where i've thought 'WOW'!!

What about the Robbie Keane to Liverpool transfer, as a bigger gaffe. £22mil, and the lad didn't last 6 months, and most of his apperances came form the bench.

I'm not saying robinho was a world beater while he's been here, but last year played well in a few games, and scored a hat-full of goals. There have been many worse signings than him, even if you look at the transfer fee.

I wouldn't necessarily say he was one of the worst signings ever (Robinho), but he's got to be up there for the money we paid both in fee and wages. At least Keane has proved himself consistently in the Premiership. Everyone can make a mistake, however this isn't the first time Robinho's has done this sort of thing. He left Madrid in very similar circumstances. The only difference this time is that no-one was stupid enough to buy him, hence the loan deal, and only 2 clubs even considered that....
BurnCK said:
I still can't believe that some on here won't remove their blue-tinted specs and actually still have a hard-on for Robinho, despite the fact that he's just fucked us off rather than fight for his place when things weren't going his way.

I lost all respect for him along time ago !

I really do think you've missed the point of this thread!

It's about Cascarino's view that Robinho is "the worst tranfer in the history of the Premiership"...

I know you hate Robinho, but even you with your hate filled attitude must agree that there have been worse, far worse, deals than this?

I'll give you just a few...

Roque Santa Cruz
Glen Joihnson
Dannyctid said:
jay_mcfc said:
The worst in the business is Cascarino. As someone said, he predicted we'd be relegated under Sven. He hates us, I usually don't go down that road but he really does dislike us. He's a prick of the highest order!

Robinho has probably done more for this football club than any other player in history; he gave fans the hope we've missed for decades and no doubt encouraged our other top players to sign for us. A 1 in 3 goals record from out wide is a bloody good return too and it's just a shame that injury, loss of confidence and a rape charge interrupted what was looking like a dream move!

There is no doubt that Cascarino is a cock, but are you sure?
I don't want to start slaging off Robiniho but Cascarino is nearer the mark than you.

Damn right I'm sure. Robinho took a chance on us when we were nothing and now we have a team of stars. He is a big factor in our 'project' and the brand we have become. If he wasn't here then many other players wouldn't be and we'd not be as far down the line as we are.

And he had a great first season with us, all things considered. Yet this season people are making out he's been the worst signing in history despite him being injured for most of it? I really don't understand it!
The bit that pisses me off is that he starts trying to justify Veron and Sheva playing wank in the prem with various excuses! 'Veron wasn't suited to the English game' thats the biggest fucking cop out ive ever heard. Unless the lad has 8 legs and a fucking unicycle rammed up his ring hole then he should be able to play football anywhere. And while were making excuses, what about the fact that Robinho was subjected to one of the worst possible accusations only months after making his trasfer!
jay_mcfc said:
Dannyctid said:
There is no doubt that Cascarino is a cock, but are you sure?
I don't want to start slaging off Robiniho but Cascarino is nearer the mark than you.

Damn right I'm sure. Robinho took a chance on us when we were nothing and now we have a team of stars. He is a big factor in our 'project' and the brand we have become. If he wasn't here then many other players wouldn't be and we'd not be as far down the line as we are.

And he had a great first season with us, all things considered. Yet this season people are making out he's been the worst signing in history despite him being injured for most of it? I really don't understand it!

Hey mate, don't use facts to back up your argument... the mob have decided and they won't change their minds come what may!

Hate is a strong emotion, and some on here are fucking hate-junkies.
BurnCK said:
I wouldn't necessarily say he was one of the worst signings ever (Robinho), but he's got to be up there for the money we paid both in fee and wages. At least Keane has proved himself consistently in the Premiership. Everyone can make a mistake, however this isn't the first time Robinho's has done this sort of thing. He left Madrid in very similar circumstances. The only difference this time is that no-one was stupid enough to buy him, hence the loan deal, and only 2 clubs even considered that....

I know he's not lived upto the hype with, but he was playing well for real, and the only reason he wanted to move, was because they wanted to use him as a bartering chip for Ronaldo with the rags. He was wanted by us and chelsea, so he couldn't be that poor.

Some can't get to grips with the prem, like Forlan and many other players. But that just makes the Keane transfer, that much more strange, and more of a flop, as you know he can, but he just didn't.

I would maybe put the transfer in the top 10, due to the money involved (if we signed him for £10mil, his first year would have been seen as an extraordinary season, with rave reviews), but its definitly not the worst.
Soulboy said:
I know you hate Robinho, but even you with your hate filled attitude must agree that there have been worse, far worse, deals than this?

I'll give you just a few...

Roque Santa Cruz
Glen Joihnson

If you read my posts about Robinho, I have said on many occasions I DON'T HATE HIM. No having any respect for him is completely different. The reason I post on the subject so much is that it drives me mad that he can be worshipped so much for giving so little back. In my honest opinion it truly does show that some of our fans still have a small minded mentality where a player can do no wrong just because he's a British transfer record, Brazilian International, etc, etc,.

I judge people on their actions, not on their reputations.

And as I said, he's NOT the worst signing in Premiership history, but he IS up there amongst them...and that is based not only on his price, but attitude, effort, etc,. Once again he has done a runner when things got tough. At least the majority of the players on your list can hold their heads high and say they gave it their all.
I`ve no doubt you could list a pagefull of shysters who`ve played for us over the years , we all could , but not one of them would have the talent that Robinho had/has . If he put ANY backbone into his performances he could be a big player for us but as I stated earlier , unfortuneatly he`s a coward . Sorry not seen much of the Brazillian league been too busy watching City for over 30 years , so obviously not an expert like yourself , but I would imagine the standard is far lower than the Premier or indeed Spanish league where Robinho also threw his toys out of the pram !

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