Cesc Fabregas accused ref of taking money - David Moyes

If I'm on the jury, it's thank you very much Mr Moyes for your truthful evidence, and now Mr. Fabregas, you're as guilty as sin, and you will be taken from here to a place of execution where you will be hanged by the bollox until yer dead, and may Wenger have mercy on your black, charcoaled cinder of a soul.
brazilians hurt said:
Fabregas is an vile, arrogrant,cheating scum bag who thinks he is bigger than the game itself. He is totally and disrespectful to all and Wenger makes him worse by repeatedly speaking out on his behalf. It speaks volumes when his team mate Denilsonsaid Fabregas showed no real leadership to the Arsenal team.
The sooner he fucks off to Barcelona the better for everyone English football.
Someone said on this forum this week that he was a late runner for c**t of the year award - personally I think he has been head and shoulders above all other contenders this year.
Sureley the most hated player in the Prem now that Rat the twat has quit

Totally agree.Cannot stand the card waving cheating cnut.
DTeacher said:
Despite my dislike for David Moyes, I have to side with him 100% on this issue. There is no way he would risk lying about Fabregas in this instance - if you listen to the interview, he is clear, concise and states exactly what happened. Wenger makes a feeble attempt to deflect away by saying that Cesc did not speak to the Referee.

However, Moyes categorically states that it was directed at the 4th Official, who is part of the refereeing team.

Fabregas should be banned in my opinion, but the spineless FA will probably not do anything...would be nice for them to surprise me though!

Like the incident with Hull the other year - it's highly unlikely that Brian Horton lied about the greasy little fuck spitting - but he got away wth it. I think I hate CF & RVP more than any other players in prem
Blue Dove said:
Personally I don't understand any support of Moyes.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's the scottish mafia trying to de stabilise Arsenal in order that
Baconface can have an easier run to the title

Are you telling me that Moyes, in his 30 years as a player and Manager has not seen the like before!
Needs to get over himself. Said his peace on Tuesday. Was waiting for the opportunity from the press that gratefully came his way.
Remember how he slagged off our club and ripped us off, and then slagged us again.
I don't forget and hope you lot never do.
Fabregas is a petulant but brilliant footballer and like with Bellars I wish he was our petulant brilliant footballer doing anything to win!
Just my view.
That was my first reaction to the whole thing. Get all the officials and press against Arsenal. I'm not shifting from this stance either.
i fully believe moyes on this one....Fabregas is a dirty cheating scum bag....the card waving thing he does is beyond a joke and he should be booked and sent off for it

Anyone remember the incident where he was even on the subs bench last season and he came on the pitch at the end of a game and caused some sort of problem.....and if i remember rightly he got away with that as well!!!

A talented footballer (one of the best) but a complete scum bucket as well
Exeter Blue I am here said:
brazilians hurt said:
Fabregas is an vile, arrogrant,cheating scum bag who thinks he is bigger than the game itself. He is totally and disrespectful to all and Wenger makes him worse by repeatedly speaking out on his behalf. It speaks volumes when his team mate Denilsonsaid Fabregas showed no real leadership to the Arsenal team.
The sooner he fucks off to Barcelona the better for everyone English football.
Someone said on this forum this week that he was a late runner for c**t of the year award - personally I think he has been head and shoulders above all other contenders this year.
Sureley the most hated player in the Prem now that Rat the twat has quit

Spot on with that post. No Arsenal match is complete without this odious little fucker waving an imaginary red card. I'd agree about him being the most hated player in the Prem now too, although that malevolent little cock weasel Rafael pushes him close. What is it with the rags and 5ft 5' right backs that think they're hard when in reality they're softer than a freshly lain cowpat?

Hang on a second, there - you are being a bit unfair on Raphael - no mention of malevolent little cock weasels should be made without including Senor Luiz NANI - the diving, cheating, moaning liitle sh*t.
Cesc is disgusting. Watch this youtube clip of him encouraging Pique to spit at their Spanish coach and laughing like a child when he does. He is a disgrace.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXLbUTBnVHc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXLbUTBnVHc</a>

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