Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

Any ire should be raised against the individual branches. I know Citycard holders only who got FA Cup Final tickets for Stoke back in 2011 because their friends were on the committee and “entitled” to extra tickets.
Matchday Membership costs £35. Cityzens membership is free.

I think everyone in our Branch has either a season card or a match day
Membership but I might be wrong. The majority don’t do away games
And so it it is clearly possible to get a ticket for the final without a seasoncard or even a match day membership? Have I got that right?
I would think tickets will become available nearer the time for anyone who misses out.

My mate got offered a freebie from someone at the club but turned it down because couldn't afford flights.
He then offered it to me but I said no because you never know if you could get let down last minute so bought my own. Probably would have been fine as I've not paid for a league Cup ticket for about 8 years because the same person sorts me a freebie every time but bit risky for a cup final.

There will be lots in similar circumstances who don't pass tickets on so will become available last minute.
And so it it is clearly possible to get a ticket for the final without a seasoncard or even a match day membership? Have I got that right?
I don’t know as I don’t know anyone who fits thst description. I do know the OSC took up far fewer tickets than they were entitled to for our 2nd Champs League final in a row so I’m not sure what the obsession with the OSC allocation is.

It’s easy to play the Jakarta card but likewise we know OSC members who got tickets had previous codes withdrawn.

Im somebody who isn’t on the Cup Scheme and isn’t in a OSC Branch has used their initiative to get a ticket then why lose sleep over it.

Btw, who were you before Custard Pie?
Fucking hilarious these bluemoon and Facebook arguments. Are you both going to the game? If so, agree to disagree and get behind the lads. Nobody has the power to change the current system other than Manchester City FC.
And that isn't going to happen.
We used to be supporter's but now we're customers and unfortunately, he who has most money calls the shots and will be looked after by the powers that be.

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