Champions League Group Stage

Hate the group. Big chance we might finish second and get another tough draw in the next round . However with Pep, it would be great to see how much of an improvement we are in Europe and it won't be a single game either.
Because they are Europeans invading and occupying other peoples' country, and ethnically cleansing the natives with an Apartheid state.
In 1967 there were just under 300,000 Arab Muslims in Israel proper. Now there are getting close to 1.8m. If they've been ethnically cleansing the natives then someone needs to be sacked as they've done a pretty shit job. And those 1.8m are either full citizens, who can and do live where they like, are entitled to vote and have access to exactly the same services as everyone else, or have permanent residency. So hardly apartheid either.

However if you are genuinely interested in the history of ethnic cleansing in that part of the world, then educate yourself about the fate of the ancient Jewish communities in places like Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Iran.
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Ah well it's a tough group but that's why we've got Pep and invested the team. First 3 games are critical and we need to win them. Spurs and Leicester couldn't be happier I should imagine.
So, group of death 5th year running. Can someone do the maths on the chances of that happening?
Is it 1 in 8 chance in any given year, therefore a 1 in 40 chance for 5 consecutive years or is thier a multiplier I am missing? Just asking.
great group for me, we are due one v barca, gladbach as we proved last year we have their measure, and for celtic, well if don't beat them home and away then we don't deserve anything
9 points should see us through. Glad and celtic won't get that many. So three wins out of 6.

I think we will get 11 points. 3 wins and two draws. Lose at barca
Just after 6 on Talkshite they were gushing about Leicester but bemoaning the fact they would not play any famous names. I would happily take their draw for an easy passage to the next stage.

Cue a couple Leicester fans welcomed on to the programme to talk about honeymoons etc with me shouting at the car radio 'FFS who have City got'! Eventually they gave City's draw as 'Pep v his old club'and played this up. Plus the 'Battle of Britain; which of course the media generally will big up to suit their own purposes.

Then a City fan came on and said he was fed up of the 'excluded rules' which mean that City play the same teams every year. To me this should have opened a discussion of how the rules mean that certain teams cannot play each other, the seeding, even fixing and the way the whole CL show is run to make certain clubs and the TV people lots of money.

Oh no - the caller was quickly cut off as Gough and some other cunut launched into 'typical City fans, always moaning, not long ago they were playing Gillingham and now they moan about Barca' and the Battle of Britain etc etbloodycetra. It was a complete misrepresentation of that the caller had to say in the few words he was allowed to say.

They repeated this theme for the rest of the hour saying loads of tweets about City fans were coming in - though they never quoted a single one, before they got onto 'Dom', an alleged 'City' fan who did have a local accent and was warmly welcomed as he had go at City fans for not being delighted at the draw before complaining about the booing of the UEFA anthem and the 'negative treatment' of Sterling by City fans. He was warmly thanked and praised for being a fair City fan before being sent on his way back to Trafford.

He was plainly a plant but why do City fans ever ring Talkshite at all? They make themselves into fodder for pillocks who press a cut off button and then come out with a load of lies.

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