City’s New Kits

Anyone up for it?

AI fucking generating kits?
I thought Noel Gallagher designing a shirt was stupid enough. I just don't understand why the club insists on getting involved with whatever technological snake oil is popular at the moment. First it was the NFTs and now it's this shite as well. We're a football club for fucks sake. Worlds gone mad.
Tried to use it on phone, crashed the whole system UI. Gave up after several attempts
Same happened to me.

My paranoia kicked in wondering if it was because I put my email address in which is associated to my season ticket and they don’t want a ‘legacy fan’ winning this.

It’s a shame that’s what our club have made my first thoughts become.
All white with Green Black Gold and red webbing on the shirts, flashes on the shorts and hoops on the socks.

A tribute to Abu Dhabi and the massive new Etihad and First Bank sponsorship deals.

Very clean and sharp.

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