City games allegedly fixed

I've seen this quoted a lot in regard to illustrating the bias of refs - but don't necessarily think it tells the whole story.

One of the reasons we get so many yellow cards is the way we play. Yes we have a larger share of possession, but we also push so many players up the pitch when we attack, leaving us vulnerable to the counter. Thus if we lose possession we either need to win it back quickly, or stop the play to regroup. Because of this you can clearly see our players making tough challenges to accomplish this, and in many cases they are professional fouls and draw cards because of it. Fernandinho is a master of this, and even KDB and Silva join in as well. These fouls are somewhat cynical and the cards we receive are because of it.

Agree with this. Kompany does it a lot too. Most of the time I think our yellows are deserved, but it's frustrating when the opposition seemingly yet away with clear offences.
Taken from

"The diverse range of cases demonstrates the problem of self-regulation in sport and the difficulty of regulating against international corruption. In the case of match fixing and spot fixing, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the root of corruption occurs overseas. Many sports have close links with organised crime both within and outside the UK. Connections between organised crime and sport go back many decades and the links between several very high profile Premiership footballers and high-level organised criminals remains a well-documented phenomenon. Sporting connections provide legitimacy and social status to criminals, as well as potentially lucrative contacts for criminal activities in the future. Sport also provides a channel for overseas organised criminals to increase their activities in the UK while remaining relatively undetected".
Agree with this. Kompany does it a lot too. Most of the time I think our yellows are deserved, but it's frustrating when the opposition seemingly yet away with clear offences.

Its the last bit of your statement that not one blue on here can explain away?
I've seen this quoted a lot in regard to illustrating the bias of refs - but don't necessarily think it tells the whole story.

One of the reasons we get so many yellow cards is the way we play. Yes we have a larger share of possession, but we also push so many players up the pitch when we attack, leaving us vulnerable to the counter. Thus if we lose possession we either need to win it back quickly, or stop the play to regroup. Because of this you can clearly see our players making tough challenges to accomplish this, and in many cases they are professional fouls and draw cards because of it. Fernandinho is a master of this, and even KDB and Silva join in as well. These fouls are somewhat cynical and the cards we receive are because of it.
Why didn't McCulaey get booked on Wednesday when he cynically grabbed Jesus on the half way line after he turned him?
I hope that one day someone does get hold of an email or dossier or whatever it may be that proves the game is bent and shares it on Twitter / Facebook. That way it wont just go away.
All the investigations and accusations mentioned in this thread have lasted a day or 2 in the media then it's never heard of again.

That Halsey ref should write a book and expose everything he knows. Im sure i read that he refused to sign a non disclosure agreement when he retired as a ref.

It's well bent. Blatantly bent. David Gill anyone?
With all the gangsters involved in the game at oresent,some at very high levels...some operating offshore..not yo mention the shady powerful, influentisl betting syndicates,thats just not going to happen
One of the newest additions to english foofball is the new Nottingham Forest owner,who faced 17 diff allegations of match fixing etc etc,including one of blowing up a greek refs place of business (a bakery),and to be fair proudly states he has been cleared of 16 of them,waltzed into the country as the latest fit and proper owner.....
Who will be next.?
I thought it was public knowledge that the Soton game was supposed to be fixed 1-0 city but they scored first.

It may not have stood up in a criminal court, but when the keeper admits to fixing on tape...
That doesn't explain why the opposition are often afforded 3/4 poor challenges before a card is shown yet our first similar foul is often a yellow.
I agree with the premise of what you've posted though. We often resort to cynical fouls due to being caught on the counter because of how we play.
Exactly it's not so much the cards we get more the cards the opposition don't get when they're kicking fuck out of us.
Its the last bit of your statement that not one blue on here can explain away?

I posted possible reasons for this earlier in the thread, but here you go:

I think a lot of dubious refereeing can be put down to sheer incompetence. In terms of why we get worse treatment than some other clubs, I think part of it is refs are more reluctant to give big decisions against "establishment" clubs due to the scrutiny they'll come under in the media, and also the prospect of not reffing those clubs again in future. I also think it's down to specific referees, rather than a concerted, collective effort against us. Lee Mason (Bolton) and Anthony Taylor (Wythenshawe), for instance, seemingly have a bit of an issue with the club for whatever reason.
Regarding the yellows I do feel our opponents get an easy run from refs. I sometimes wonder if this is an English football thing, if you are a crap player you are allowed to kick the opponents to even it up. I am sure Arsenal fans complained about it when they were good. Would explain why United get so few cards...

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