City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

This is the most likely out come, first off we fans will not find out which part we win, second City might be the only club told of the outcome, it will look bad if we leak it. Compensation may not be monitory, and we may not relate the sackings to the crime. ultimately the PL can not afford to publicly admit guilt.
I love a bit of naivety on a Sunday.
I love a lot of scepticism any day of the week

There is no naivety I trust that the professionals dealing with this will be especially carful that no leaks occur

The case was launched in February and no leaks occurred until the PL distribution of the document, around the clubs As a matter of fact it wasn’t leaked by someone from the legal profession and since the hearing started nothing has emerged

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