Good, i'll post this to the worst plastic you ever met, proper gobby polish fella in milwaukee. He is an absolute prick tbh, i am supposed to be his mate but he is annoying as fuck. Alway's cracking obvious shit jokes and looking around for approval, so you do because you don't want to be the one to call him a twat at a wedding function and ruin it all. He is like a terrible GDM, a fake shallow imitation who instead of being endearing makes you want to hear the tone of his skull being hit change because you just shattered it...what do you mean i need help? :-D
Sorry for the rant but this is exactly the sort of news he will do a full olympic mental gymnastics routine to talk around it and how utd are just the best thing ever, christ he is a proper tosser when i think about him, i know why his brother can't stand the fucker now.