City to start charging blue badge holders for matchday disabled parking

It's a tricky one and I can see both sides of the argument, there are degrees of disability and I'm sure no one would begrudge a kid with cerebral palsy, for instance, being able to park up right outside for nowt, others are capable of using their badge on the road and walking 5 minutes, as they do. But then City can't be the police of who can and can't get free parking.
One thing I think we can all agree on is this shows City in a really bad light, and for what, even if a quarter of the ground has a blue badge it'd only generate about 3 million. Is it really worth all the bad press, as if we don't get enough already. Imagine what we'd be saying if the scousers or United did this.
Sounds a bit patronising to disabled people to me.Lets let the poor disabled people have it for free they aren’t like us everyday people that can pay for things.
All most disabled people want is to be seen as equal to the rest of us, and for that to be facilitated, not subsidised.
Patronising? Large numbers of disabled people in particular are unemployed, on benefits or in low paid jobs. Hence why there are schemes like this throughout the country. Are disabled parking spaces patronising?

There’s also the issue of accessibility. My partners 94 year old nana who’s in a wheelchair has a blue badge and goes to games often with a carer. She’s not loaded at all and often needs that as it’s very difficult to park at times and get to and from the ground.

Why don’t we just leave the scheme as it is and maybe not price out some of the most vulnerable fans we have.
I agree, but why should it be free? My dad has a blue badge and he's much more well off than I am.
Right so because your dads well off and there are similar people it’s ok to raise the prices and charge a lot more.

What about the people that aren’t well off? I’m going to bet large numbers of blue badge holders are disabled people or elderly, who on average don’t earn a lot of money, rely on benefits or struggle to walk. Are you ok with those people being priced out or making it even more difficult for them to attend games?

Based on your argument there’s a lot of well off season ticket holders. Why don’t we just double the price of season tickets. Who cares about the people lower down who this probably effects more than anyone else.
Looks like they've found a way to recoup the money for the £2m late kick off fine, or is that too cynical? Apologies if someone has offered this view but I have not read all the thread. I think this shows the club in a poor light.
You could well be right, or could this be yet another result of PSR? Because of the cluster fuck that the Premier League has introduced, clubs are scrambling everywhere for every last bit of money.
You could well be right, or could this be yet another result of PSR? Because of the cluster fuck that the Premier League has introduced, clubs are scrambling everywhere for every last bit of money.

Was thinking the same. Doesn't matter how much money the owner or club has these PSR rules are causing chaos.

I don't agree with City charging but gone are the days when the club owner can do as they wish with there money. I remember the jr blues getting two games a season for a fiver.
Was thinking the same. Doesn't matter how much money the owner or club has these PSR rules are causing chaos.

I don't agree with City charging but gone are the days when the club owner can do as they wish with there money. I remember the jr blues getting two games a season for a fiver.

When my eldest kids were born, it was £25 for a ‘lifetime’ Junior Blues membership ( 0-16 years old )

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