City's New Badge - Do You Like It?

Still not overly happy that the Red Rose of Lancaster is on there but overall the badge is the best we've ever had and is miles better than the eagle badge which is the worst we've ever had.
Title says it all - do you like our new badge?

Do you prefer our previous badge?

What do you think?

Edit: Images of our badges added below:


which replaced


I LOVE our new badge.
Even more when I see that monstrosity we had before it. I had forgotten how awful the eagle was
Get rid of the rose, put FC on it, and I'd be 99% happy. The eagle never seemed appropriate. Looked like the swastika had dropped off.
They'll never please everyone but I remember on the survey about what we preferred as a badge and I reiterated I like the Rose.

I still do. Having a stroll on a daily basis throughout Manchester city centre confirms to me the place that this rose has on the badge.
The birdie emblem was a fabrication with no historical references, whereas the ship/rivers/rose reflect heritage.

It was done to death on a previous thread but Manchester was in Lancs for most of City's past, hence the rose. If you scrap that, why not the ship and rivers too?

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