Classic Rock (Phil Collins lives, run for the hills)

I think we should just retitle the thread “arena rock” and go from there :)

Ah but some of the best CR I've seen was played in very small venues.

I'm sure I've relayed the story on here before of my first day's holiday ever in the USA. Off the plane into Manhattan with one of my best friends and the three young local ladies we had met at Kiss gigs in England the year before to scalp tickets for Van Halen's first ever Madison Square Garden gig - we got 7th row just behind a make-up less and therefore anonymous Eric Carr. That's an arena you say. Yes, it is, but after that gig we went out to a small club in Long Island and saw two sets by a then unknown in the UK Twisted Sister.

Next day, we saw a band called New England, whose first album was produced by Paul Stanley, at a small venue in Manhattan.
Holy diver was written because Dio needed one more track for an album and they had nothing! They were in a studio complex where Survivor were recording Eye of the Tiger and they over heard it and ripped it off ,so hence Holy Diver came into existence .
I think we should just retitle the thread “arena rock” and go from there :)
No, a lot of bands I‘d call classic rock bands,touring now don’t play arenas, as said, Blackberry Smoke would count but play maybe 2000 ish venues.
I Really like Cats in Space they play a very 70s style of classic rock with Queen, ELO, Sweet type influences but play quite small venues.
My favourite band ever. Going for the One is my top album followed by Fragile and Relayer.
The Gates of Delirium is an epic.
I would never have guessed you were a Yes fan from your location. ;-)
Remember being blown away listening to Ritual at the FTH when they played it for the first time (1973?). the first time I saw them.

What about Whitesnake, are they classic rock? I used to play them quite a bit in the 80s. Didn't tell my punk mates that though or they'd have put the albums on my dartboard and lobbed arrows at them. I do like a bit of rock, as you know mate: )

Yes, Whitesnake are Classic Rock.

They've just announced a tour for 2022 with Foreigner and Europe supporting them. However, they have an second vocalist to sing all the difficult bits Coverdale can't manage so I think I will pass on that.

First time I saw a version of Whitesnake was, IIRC, 1978 in a small club on Oxford Road.

I've seen Whitesnake several times in different versions. One time was in Nashville where they supported Motely Crue. Now I can't recall which band my wife (to be then, we'd just got engaged a few days before) said it about but she'd been by the pool during the day in the hotel I was living in because I was at work that day (on secondment from UK) and been surprised about some scruffy long haired guys had been by the pool too at one of Nashville's finer hotels until she saw them walk out on stage at the sold out arena we were sat in. The Crue that nite were probably the loudest band I ever heard.
I think we should just retitle the thread “arena rock” and go from there :)

Seriously, Nirvana finally killed classic rock although it was first wounded by The Pistols and The Ramones. Once U2 and The Clash started taking over and headlining shows in 60K seat open stadiums in the early 80s, that was the near-fatal blow.

But as all ills can be blamed on him and are on Bluemoon, I’d suggest Phil Collins also had a hand in the murder of classic rock by putting his “woe is me; I’m getting divorced” songs on Duke in 1980. And someone also needs to blame Trevor Horn for Buggles and 90-numbers-etc.

LOL, I've got the Buggles album; I even like Drama by Yes.

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