Come on Gordon where's all the f*****g money gone?

The Pink Panther

Well-Known Member
22 May 2005

Now I don't know an awful lot but one thing I do know for certain is that the government is absolutely coining it in in extra fuel duty from North sea oil producers and VAT on commodities that have risen in price such as gas, electric and petrol.

This is a f*****g feeble excuse

the government faces an £8bn tax revenue shortfall, because of the slowdown on the High Street, the housing market stalling and a drop in company profits.
Dont forget we have an ilegal war to fight. They dont come cheap you know.
robspankthemonkey said:
Where's the money gone??

We all know where its gone, in his and his miserable hangers on SKYROCKET!

I don't like Gordon Brown and some of the decision he makes but I think some people honestly believe this. The expenses stories don't help but in the scheme of things, although immoral in some cases, they make no real difference to the national budgets.

I think I can honestly say that a huge percentage of people I know talk absolute $hite when it comes to economics, taxes and budgets and think that there is some sort of secret hoard where politicians are storing billions just so they can screw the nation over.

Most people talk in cliches, the classic one on this issue being 'cut down red tape and waste' and believing that this is a one stop answer to any economic issues and not just a cliche based on no idea of what waste or red tape exists and what the impact of getting rid of certain 'red tape' would be in practical or monetary terms.

Every oppostion party of every persuasion spouts it and never has to give a second thought as to any details as the idiot public just lap it up.
I just wonder how much we have spent on these pointless wars since we got involved. I dont think America will be compensating us though. Oh and we only just finished paying them back for their costs in the second world war! Fucking priceless.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
robspankthemonkey said:
Where's the money gone??

We all know where its gone, in his and his miserable hangers on SKYROCKET!

I don't like Gordon Brown and some of the decision he makes but I think some people honestly believe this. The expenses stories don't help but in the scheme of things, although immoral in some cases, they make no real difference to the national budgets.

I think I can honestly say that a huge percentage of people I know talk absolute $hite when it comes to economics, taxes and budgets and think that there is some sort of secret hoard where politicians are storing billions just so they can screw the nation over.

Most people talk in cliches, the classic one on this issue being 'cut down red tape and waste' and believing that this is a one stop answer to any economic issues and not just a cliche based on no idea of what waste or red tape exists and what the impact of getting rid of certain 'red tape' would be in practical or monetary terms.

Every oppostion party of every persuasion spouts it and never has to give a second thought as to any details as the idiot public just lap it up.

I don't think people on the whole believe for one minute that red tape and waste is a major part of an economy failure or wobble.

I find most people are pretty clued up as to what is happening.
What is happening Sharon is that the Party in power, whoever it may be, has got the "big I am " syndrome. They think and get away with whatever they want.We are heading towards the bad old times, however these cosseted clowns can't see it and what's worse is.... neither can their supporters.. It's going to get bad, really bad.
Chris Mac said:
What is happening Sharon is that the Party in power, whoever it may be, has got the "big I am " syndrome. They think and get away with whatever they want.We are heading towards the bad old times, however these cosseted clowns can't see it and what's worse is.... neither can their supporters.. It's going to get bad, really bad.

Yep I know Chris. Was just pointing out to JMA that people aren't thick.

It's getting bad. Never before have I seen so many time served construction workers sat in front of me in such a short time.

And the jobs that I can search for are dwindling to the point that they are almost non existent. Even with a CSCS card etc etc.

EDIT...and 2 Mortgage advisers this last week too.

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