Complain to UEFA about Rooney's blatant stamping


Well-Known Member
17 Nov 2008
EDIT: Here's what he got away with: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -incident/</a>

Email a complaint to Ive just done it.

We can't let them continue to get away with this type of blatant cheating.

Let's get other club forums involved too. We could muster up hundreds of thousands of complaints to them easily, crash their email servers and then let the national press get hold of the story.

Come on, it'll be a laugh. Only takes 5 seconds to send an email. Here's a template if you're that lazy - just copy and paste:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this email to complain about UEFA's decision to take no action against Wayne Rooney following his deliberate stamp on Aalborg's Kasper Risgard on 10 December 2008. This stamp was one of three instances of violent conduct committed by Rooney in the same match, all of which went unpunished.

Please could you explain your decision not to punish Wayne Rooney for a deliberate and violent stamp which could have threatened the career of another player?

Many thanks,

(Insert Name Here)

The email address to send it too is

If you're a member of any other football forums, please forward this post on to it.

I cannot believe UEFA have decided to take no action against Wayne Rooney for stamping on Kasper Risgard's chest in their Champions League game. What is it going to take before Rooney and MUFC get punished? The stamp was nothing more than a thuggish act of violence which could have resulted in permanent injury, especially if Rooney would have stamped on Risgard's windpipe or face. What message do you think you are sending out to young players around the World when incidents like this go unpunished.

UEFA you have made a terrible decision.
I want this thread to catch up to the 'David Villa Done Deal' thread by tomorrow. Can we do it?
I personally don't think there was intent on Rooney's part. That doesn't me me a rag, just how I viewed it at the time.
boys if you look at the video of it the fat twat is looking in front of himself, if he had been looking at the players chest they would have nailed him, but hes given them the chance to clear him, yep its bent, thats why i e mailed them the other day and you ve got to say the ref helped them as well by doing fuck all at the time
pissedagain said:
boys if you look at the video of it the fat twat is looking in front of himself, if he had been looking at the players chest they would have nailed him, but hes given them the chance to clear him, yep its bent, thats why i e mailed them the other day and you ve got to say the ref helped them as well by doing fuck all at the time
Bally wasn't looking at Tranny.

agree about ball, but we re not seen as a big club, going to a dodgy tournament for the powers that be

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