Coronavirus (2021) thread

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The steady fall resumes happily. UK patients fall below 5000, England just 5 over 4000. UK ventilators drop below 700 - down a huge 3400 in 9 weeks. And England just over 600. Every region has less than 1000 patients when London alone had 7000 in January. No wonder deaths are tumbling. And most England regions down on both patients and ventilators again. Though the North West still a sluggish fall at the moment.

UK total:

Patients 4862 - it was 39, 248 at the peak on 18 Jan - (fall of 34, 386 in 65 days) :- lowest since 11 October

Ventilators 681 it was 4077 at the peak on 24 Jan - (fall of 3396 in 59 days) : lowest since 19 October

England only:-


294 Covid admissions (21 March) - following 279, 287, 283, 351, 343, 364, 431 in the week before.


Patients down 240 in day to 4005 v 5397 last week :- lowest since 12 October.

Peak was 34, 336 on 18 Jan (fall 30, 331 in 65 days)

Ventilators: Down in day 34 to 613 v 846 last week :- lowest since 23 October

Peak was 3736 on 24 Jan (fall 3123 in 59 days)


Patient // Ventilators // change in past 24 hours and v last week

East down 20 to 362 v 497 // down 5 to 66 v 83

London down 36 to 840 v 1082 // down 8 to 190 v 274

Midlands down 70 to 826 v 1204 // down 17 to 131 v 186

NE & Yorks down 38 to 637 v 862 // down 11 to 82 v 107

North West down 26 to 723 v 911 // down 2 to 83 v 102

South East down 45 to 461 v 649 // down 10 to 37 v 67

South West down 5 to 156 v 192 // stays at 24 v 27
Surely that was just the domino effect though? Germans and French stopped, so we will just follow until we hear otherwise as it seemed the logical step.
That's my take on it as well. And although they are separate nations, the EU's nose is well out of joint about this and whole load of other things. We've fucked them right off over Brexit, hard-balled them into a trade deal which gives us pretty much what we wanted. And to add final insult to injury, our Brexit claims were that we'd be much more agile and able to do deals quickly and here we are at Test Number 1, and lo and behold the EU is left fannying about whilst the UK cracked on and got the vaccines up and running. We've made them look like chumps and they don't like it one bit. Us securing vaccine supplies that the cannot get, only adds salt to the wound.

They needed to hide behind some face-saving excuse or other and fear of blood clots, nonsense about the drug not being effective etc etc plays right along with that narrative.
If you're thinking of booking as early as May then yes I'd say wait for this task force review but equally I wouldn't put anyone off a punt as long as its booked correctly. Lets be honest, if you're booking for May then its in hope not expectation.

If you're thinking further into summer then fill your boots, as Calder was saying.

Book responsibly and the risk is minimal.

You're saying Calder was irresponsible and going against Government advice; the first bit is subjective (I don't think he was but could see why some might think that) but the 2nd part absolutely wasn't true.
That may be your take, its not mine.

Personally I think anyone booking for mid to late summer is running a very high risk of their holiday being cancelled on them and then not getting their money back for months. And god help you if the worst case scenario happens: the holiday company DOESN'T cancel on you and you decide its not safe to go, or that maybe you'd need to quarantine and you cannot for whatever reason. Then maybe you've just lost your money.

Everyone to their own, but IMO booking a foreign holiday now is just daft.
I think the educated classes saw through it yes. Whether Mrs Miggins from the pie shop has the same view, unfortunately I doubt. There seems to be a lot of resistance to being vaccinated, something we are not seeing in the UK.
May be getting better.
GM Weekly Pop Scores after today:~

Borough / Score Today / Score 7 days ago / up or down wk to wk/ Testing is % of local population who have tested positive for Covid over past year.

As ever with Pop scores going up is bad, going down good - the higher the number the better or worse depending on direction moving. The Pop Score is total cases in past week versus 100,000 POPulation to even out the comparison versus size and expected cases based on numbers living there.

Tameside 117 / 122 / down 5 Testing positive 7.9%

Bolton 111 / 98/ UP 13 Testing positive 8.8%

Rochdale 111 / 117 / down 6 Testing positive 9.3%

Oldham 103 / 104 down 1 Testing positive 9.4%

Wigan 101 / 106 / down 5 Testing positive 8.6%

Salford 96 / 111 / down 15 Testing positive 8.8%

Manchester 92 / 94 / down 2 Testing positive 9.3%

Bury 88 / 81 UP 7 Testing positive 8.9%

Stockport 77 / 93 / down 16 Testing positive 7.0%

Trafford 48 / 46 / UP 2 Testing positive 6.8%

Trafford and Stockport - the two usual low scorers - starting to ease away from the rest which is an early sign of the return of low score normality. Though Trafford has had a bit of a blip and Bury might gate crash the party. Stockport had a good few days and has fallen the most week to week.

Weekly cases: Trafford 113, Back over the 100 after a few blips lately

Other Bolton 319, Bury 168, Manchester 509, Oldham 254, Rochdale 246, Salford 248, Stockport 225, Tameside 264, Wigan 333

England only:-


294 Covid admissions (21 March) - following 279, 287, 283, 351, 343, 364, 431 in the week before.


Patients down 240 in day to 4005 v 5397 last week :- lowest since 12 October.

Peak was 34, 336 on 18 Jan (fall 30, 331 in 65 days)

That's a 25% week-on-week reduction in patients in England, despite cases stabilising. Great news.
That's my take on it as well. And although they are separate nations, the EU's nose is well out of joint about this and whole load of other things. We've fucked them right off over Brexit, hard-balled them into a trade deal which gives us pretty much what we wanted. And to add final insult to injury, our Brexit claims were that we'd be much more agile and able to do deals quickly and here we are at Test Number 1, and lo and behold the EU is left fannying about whilst the UK cracked on and got the vaccines up and running. We've made them look like chumps and they don't like it one bit. Us securing vaccine supplies that the cannot get, only adds salt to the wound.

They needed to hide behind some face-saving excuse or other and fear of blood clots, nonsense about the drug not being effective etc etc plays right along with that narrative.
Makes for a cool story, but again tell me why Andalusia, a place heavily reliant on British tourism, would suspend the only chance they have of normality this summer for some weird political battle between the EU and the UK? It turns out there were three deaths in Spain where they were worried if there was a correlation with the vaccine. With the other stories around Europe they took a few days, did more tests, did autopsis on the three bodies and concluded that there was no correlation between the deaths and the vaccines, so the rollout continues. In a few days they'll be back up to speed.

I'm not naive enough to think that everything about covid isn't politicized from one side to the other but I draw the line at the thought that individual regions in a country like Spain would purposefully dent their future so that the EU can save face. They are on their arse, they need tourists and that is the be all and end all.
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