better dead than red
Well-Known Member
We are going to have big problems with a huge mobilisation, if we go to war with a Muslim country then I suspect that many Muslims wont join up or even attend even if they're drafted, that'll cause real upheaval and anger against them. I have asked all my children not to join up because I don't trust British governments to look after them, if conscription comes in at any time the government will have to get harsh with the punishments for people who refuse to join up.
The best solution is not go to war abroad unless we genuinely have to meaning if we are attacked. That means not backing the USA on military action without questioning what they are doing.
As for the latest incident the British public wont have a say in anything.
Maybe only tangently on topic, but I recall reading somewhere during WWII the average British soldier was envious of the average American soldier because they were treated better by their officers and generally better looked after.