Countdown to Meltdown?

Uber Blues

Well-Known Member
17 Sep 2009
The 2nd leg of the semi means a lot to both club's but for totally different reasons. For us It's about trying to put some silver on the table for the first time In a long time, and also of course get one over the old foe In a high profile match. For them, It's about holding back the blue tide that they feel lapping up around their ankles. For them to lose this game on their own patch signals something that's not happend In a generation. The power will start to shift! Of course It's only one step on a long road, but many massive adventure's start with that first small step.
I believe our time Is here, We as fans must believe we, and our team have what It takes to begin the process of consigning the last 20 years of united's success to the history books.
Wednesday could see a new begining If we win, and even If we dont they will know we are here to stay, and we will be back again and again until we knock their house down. It's time to rise up from the past 34 years In the wilderness, and turn the air blue, not just at Owe Trafford tomorrow, but for the next 20 year's!

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