Unfortunately absolutely everything about the government's strategy has been reactive. And when they have finally acted they've been disorganised and often taken the wrong option. We are going to keep falling behind other countries, even ones who had less warning than ours, and our economy will suffer as a result. The best way to get the economy moving is to manage the virus response properly. That's the government's job.
The government is still focused on short term gains. They've struggled to get contact tracing in place but still want to rush teachers back so that the kids' parents can be rushed back soon afterwards. Doing this will harm the economy even further in the long term if we risk a second spike that is worse than in other countries.
There's a ceiling on how far you can get trampling all over the poorest in society in order to further your economy. We need something that protects everyone from the bottom up right now and unfortunately the Tories are completely unfamiliar with that concept.