COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Thank you. That makes it easier to see where we are headed. Looks as if it will be hard to get anywhere close to zero deaths given how the slope is evening out.

See England's deadliest day - April 8 - also rose to 891 now too.

150 hospital deaths per day is the new baseline.

After the peak, it took us 4 days to get out of the 700s, 5 to get out of the 600s, 3 to get out of the 500s, 4 to get out of the 400s, 7 to get out of the 300s, 7 for the 200s, and we've now been stuck in the 100s for 11 days. The fall has clearly plateaued hasn't it. Can't quite get it down to two digits. Wonder if we'll get there at all given the change in restrictions.
Yes, was real. It’s a small coffee shop with the emphasis on coffee. Being able to open next week for takeaways will be a huge boost. We only do rolls and toasties, soup, cakes. So phase 3 for sitting in but with distancing will only be able to have a few tables. Takeaways will be good for us though.
My daughter is real too :) been tough for her she started work at the Western Edinburgh end of last year and been living in a flat on her own she moved into in the new year but not been able to see us. Looking forward to meeting up with her next weekend somewhere.
I don't think Cramond will be crowded. They might even have cafes doing takeaways.
After the peak, it took us 4 days to get out of the 700s, 5 to get out of the 600s, 3 to get out of the 500s, 4 to get out of the 400s, 7 to get out of the 300s, 7 for the 200s, and we've now been stuck in the 100s for 11 days. The fall has clearly plateaued hasn't it. Can't quite get it down to two digits. Wonder if we'll get there at all given the change in restrictions.

The virus spreads exponentially, and it also declines exponentially.

It's going to take ages to drop below 100, much longer to drop below 50, and it's unlikely IMO that we ever get below that.

Not to bring back the stupid old flu comparisons...but PHE says the average flu deaths per year is 17,000 - about 50/day.

You could eradicate all deaths to day temporarily in a severe lock down, but the virus isn't going to go away so if you want some semblance of normal life, it's never going to get below the death rate of flu until/unless we get a vaccine.
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It's the one bit of WHO advice I find odd. Pity we didn't follow WHO advice on testing.

National laboratories
Countries should prepare laboratory capacity to manage large-scale testing for COVID-19 — either domestically, or through arrangements with international reference laboratories. If COVID-19 testing capacity does not exist at national level, samples should be sent to a regional or international reference laboratory with appropriate capacity. In the event of widespread community transmission, surge plans should be activated to manage the increased volume of samples from suspected cases. WHO can provide support to access relevant reference laboratories, protocols, reagents, and supplies
(Feb 12th)
The virus spreads exponentially, and it also declines exponentially.

It's going to take ages to drop below 100, much longer to drop below 50, and might even take the vaccine or an incredibly effective treatment to drop below 25.
i think the low figures as you say are going to be with us for a long time, a spike here and there depending on things like the beaches and social distancing etc, Dr Campbells video was good news yesterday which indicates the virus will just snuff out eventually
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