COVID Data Thread

Not sure I completely agree, a tap at 80% would still get us through it fast but stagger hospital admissions hopefully just enough to stop a flood. That may or may not have required the other nations slightly stricter restrictions we’ll see. As I have posted though it’s too late now for England to go down that road. The dice have rolled.
My uneducated guess is we’ll be on the way out of this by the end of the month and it will drop quite steeply through February.
Looking at the GM numbers this looks like a fuse that is burning very fast but short lived.

IF that is what happens then getting it over in January ,makes sense.

And really if it was going to be slowed or stopped that time was when Scotland and Wales introduced more restrictions than England and it really does not seem to have made mch difference there.

This is so infectious and thankfully by looks of it much less dangerous that the rules very probably have all changed. There was a very narrow window to stop it. After that the quicker it happens the better might make sense.

Is it a gamble? Yes. But the reality is many would have got round restrictions rather than miss a second Christmas. I think that figured into the decision. Had there been a way to persuade the public it might have been tried. I think they had lost too many of the people to hope that scare tactcs would work this time.

It will be a squeeze that is for sure. But it coud prove the right decision. Not that it was really a decision in the end as it was just too late once we knew enough to mitigate by much at all.
The NHS is creaking , staff off sick is killing them for the sake of another herd immunity bollocks , should have acted two weeks ago, plan b hasnt worked , booster this booster that , vax this vax that is all he has

There is no need for anymore restrictions.

Id love to know how many are sat at home with no symptoms because of isolation rules?
Regionally North West today scored the highest number EVER recorded by any one region across the entire pandemic.

29,360 - up from 24,183 yesterday & V 20,183 last Tuesday.

London peaked at 27,799 on 22 December.

London by comparison today was also up 1447 onto 21,527 - well below NW now and V 22, 981 last Tuesday.

So as you see in those 2 weeks it has fallen and then flattened and is not going down day by day at any obvious pace.

South East third on 18,532 - up from 17,195 V 16,236 last week

The other regions East & West Midlands, East and Yorkshire were all between 13 and 15 K.

But the usually small North East was on 10,252. And South West on 11,770.
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A further 218,724 coronavirus cases and 48 COVID-related deaths have been recorded in the UK, official figures show.

The UK-wide figures have been released after the Bank Holiday, when only England released figures for both deaths and cases

Why are all the media saying there are 14,126 in hospital in the UK?

There are more than that in England alone. 15,044 today.

For the number to be true there would have to be a minus number in the other nations.

They are just reading what Gov UK posts and as I said earlier when explaining how useless their hospital numbers are this one does not even add up.

It is pretty easy to add up the four numbers (which Gov UK actually do have right but have themselves just not bothered checking!)

There are 348 in Northern Ireland. Were 531 in Wales on New Years Eve (still the latest here) and 1147 in Scotland,

That is an extra 2026 atop 15,044 from England = 17,070 in UK hospitals.

Not a clue where the 14,126 in UK on Gov UK comes from. They say it is the latest available but their own numbers show it isn't and is a not insignificant number out.

And the journalists just copy it as it is obviously too hard to add up 4 numbers.

Just as I pointed out in my post here earlier THIS is why I never use the Gov UK hospital numbers. It is safer to add them up yourself.

But at a time when hospital numbers matter so much the media should be getting key numbers like these right. Not being given misleading ones.

They will probably correct it on Gov UK later but the media will not check again if they do. Its a niggle but it happens too often.
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This is only anecdotal of course but I was back in work today and I visited one of my customers in North Wales. They were saying that over the Christmas and New Year period (they worked every day except Christmas and New Year's Day) they had around 20% of the production workforce off. They had to submit proof of a positive PCR test so they weren't faking it and they had a few more at home awaiting results after positive LFTs.

This appears that the additional restrictions in Wales are now making little or no difference compared to England and unless some sort of draconian lockdown was imposed then we have to ride it out. As @Healdplace posted earlier, the vast majority of people probably wouldn't abide by any such restrictions anyway so they effectively would be as pointless as all current ones.
No. The faster it burns the more damage done. Simple as that. More overload of health care and other services.
As I said that might have helped before everywhere got to the point it is now. As in 3 weeks ago. But there is no way to really slow this down now it has spread everywhere, bar a full lockdown that will never be obeyed well enough to matter. Not even sure that would help much now given we are having millions catching it every week.

Tha kind of rate cannot be sustained for long. And how much really would a lockdown now stop cases from spreading beyond what they have over the past 2 weeks.

They could try piecemeal measures like banning crowds at football or closing theatres but they have to balance that against the harm that would do.

I would have supported a lockdown before Christmas. In fact I posted in here saying we should do and got hounded off the thread if you recall. About a month ago.

That told me how well it would work. As in not well.And that was then. When it could have worked to slow down to ptrotect the NHS. Its too late now imo. Or we would be doing it. We just are hoping it will burn fast and over quick.

Which is a gamble. But if he was not going to do it tonight he will not later.

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