Customer Service:

The service industry is populated by the second rung up the ladder. First rung being unemployed and not arsed about it. Anyway the second rung is populated by people who cant really give a fuck but at the same time understand that they need a wage so that they can vote on britans got talent. Biggest problem with customer service is we have a massive attitude problem of meh fuck it and that will do, where there is no real insentive to improve because people will buy it anyway. However if you look at the service industry in say America where the customer is king and the employee needs to lick arse to get a tip or a bonus.. you get service with a smile.
Here we go and still looking good 10 week later It was £1.50 for four mats and a pound for the sticky spray.Oak Furniture Land £500.
Everyone that calls at our flat compliments.
Taken five minutes ago.


Very smart
The service industry is populated by the second rung up the ladder. First rung being unemployed and not arsed about it. Anyway the second rung is populated by people who cant really give a fuck but at the same time understand that they need a wage so that they can vote on britans got talent. Biggest problem with customer service is we have a massive attitude problem of meh fuck it and that will do, where there is no real insentive to improve because people will buy it anyway. However if you look at the service industry in say America where the customer is king and the employee needs to lick arse to get a tip or a bonus.. you get service with a smile.

I will one day write a book about my experiences with those cunts BT. Way, way, way beyond mere shite, inept or useless.
Save the rights to the sequel "BT Cünts 2" for me. Nine months of pain to fix a crossed line.

Dishonourable mention for Blue Bell BMW - lying thieves taking incompetence to a new quantum level.
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Why do we not complain more ?
It's somehow not cool to complain if your English because it's just not the done thing.

However if your Welsh.

The service industry is populated by the second rung up the ladder. First rung being unemployed and not arsed about it. Anyway the second rung is populated by people who cant really give a fuck but at the same time understand that they need a wage so that they can vote on britans got talent. Biggest problem with customer service is we have a massive attitude problem of meh fuck it and that will do, where there is no real insentive to improve because people will buy it anyway. However if you look at the service industry in say America where the customer is king and the employee needs to lick arse to get a tip or a bonus.. you get service with a smile.

Lookers Skoda at Eccles pissed me off the other day when I went in for a service as part of it was a valet. Valet my arse. It wasn't even washed when it came back. It had just been sprayed with a hose to make it look wet. I ran my hand along the side of it so my palm was black and went back in and said does this look like its been washed to you?.. They said they'd send it back to be done again but I wasn't going to wait around for another hour. Jokers.

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