Not sure you’ve quite grasped the easyness in the concept of proof. Your ’god’ is not real. You offer no proof that there isn’t multiple gods running the show, you just blindly state there is one. You offer no proof that your ‘god’ is not a woman or a hermaphrodite, other than (I’ll anticipate you here) quoting a human created fantasy book.Not sure you've quite grasped the difficulty in the concept of causality. God is not contingent, he is the Prime Mover.
So, you have said athiests need to prove ‘god’ exists, and are countered by ‘you can’t prove a negative’, and that’s where it ends usually. But a slightly different question to ask you on the same lines is:
What proof exists that your ‘god’ is a singularity god, rather than a multitude, and that they are a single white bearded male wearing white robes?
Without recourse to a human made fantasy book, you can’t.
Pure fantasy based on indoctrination and control.