Deleting hundreds of emails


Well-Known Member
12 Feb 2009
Morning can anyone help me delete hundreds of emails in one Go of my Android mobile phone thanks .
Morning can anyone help me delete hundreds of emails in one Go of my Android mobile phone thanks .
What email app do you use?

On yahoo, You simply just hold down on one email and a tick will arrive beside the email chosen to be deleted, Along with on the top right hand corner "Select All" will be an option too.
What email app do you use?

On yahoo, You simply just hold down on one email and a tick will arrive beside the email chosen to be deleted, Along with on the top right hand corner "Select All" will be an option too.
Same for gmail.
What email app do you use?

On yahoo, You simply just hold down on one email and a tick will arrive beside the email chosen to be deleted, Along with on the top right hand corner "Select All" will be an option too.
Bingo ,thanks

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