Do you hate being hated?

not interested in being anyones second team

not interested in being popular but shit

the level of bile is directly proportional to our threat level

long may it continue and increase as we improve another level
we ARE hated now,ive actually met a couple of Abc's -and they weren't united fans!'s all about the money,theyre jealous......
sjk2008 said:
Dubai Blue said:
I have good mates who are fans of various other teams who would still like to see City do well, so there are definitely still a lot out there who don't hate us. I guess those that do are the ones who have no connection whatsoever to the club, and therefore no idea of what we, as fans, have been through to get here.

However, I have been shocked this year at the reaction that goals scored against us have received in the pub where I watch the games. It's a huge pub full of expat English football fans of all teams (every single game is shown live in there) and there is now always a loud cheer whenever we concede.

It seems that there are plenty out there willing us to fail, which I find quite sad, as I think City fans in general are representative of the vast majority of non-gloryhunting football fans out there. Despite our wealth, we're the perennial underdogs; supporters of clubs like Stoke, Norwich, Everton, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland, West Brom, Fulham etc etc should be willing us on, because we are them. But for some reason, they're not.

I do agree this is the case. Certainly pre-takeover ALL neutrals were cheering you on. Especially in the derby.

Now you have 'the money' there's obviously the jealousy out there from 'lesser' clubs and fans alike but there's also a tinge of 'United arrogance' creeping in which many a person wont like.

As I've said before, it'd be good to see you win the league just to see how those arrogant tossers from across the road react (just imagine you won it from the position you are in now)!

However, when large sections of your support sing songs such as 'We score when we want' it may be no surprise to see the lesser clubs/fans begin to think your starting to sound like them lot. (I do acknowledge that a lot of your fans also dislike that song but let's be honest, it's still sung and it does have 'essence of United' all over it)!
score when we want is actually takin the piss out of the rags arrogance sarcasm,alas thats not what other fans hear or understand ,and it does make us sound arrogant and raglike,will it stop? doubt it good luck oldham.
Good post sjk2008... Many arrogant ragesque chants have creeped into the hymn sheet and believe - many blues around where I stand are singing this shit in 109, and they've been told.

I don't mind being hated by fellow football supporters, many are influenced by media companies with a sole intention of making money, this is done with sensationalism... and sadly many fans aren't aware of this when reading the articles/watching the match punditry/listening to presenters on radio.

I do however mind the media, but before us they would take the piss out of "Chelski" with countless references to the KGB and this sort of shit which Chelsea's fans had to endure whilst they competed with the Rags at the top.

if ADUG bought Talkshite/Sky/The Sun tomorrow we would notice a huge shift in trend with regards to bullshit... with bullshit being continuously written about the American owned clubs (Rags/Liverpool) and propaganda spun crap written about how good City were.
Balti said:
not interested in being anyones second team

not interested in being popular but shit

the level of bile is directly proportional to our threat level

long may it continue and increase as we improve another level

That about sums it up for me.

Never liked the "score when we want" song, however. Same goes for "buy your club". No need to sing songs that merely serve to make us look like pricks just because people don't like us anymore.
BurnCK said:
I don't mind other teams / fans hating us...what bothers me most is the way we always shoot ourselves in the foot...providing ammunition for other supporters.

There's been other teams that have collapsed at this stage in the season, but typically....City are among them.

And who's idea was it for us to adopt the Poznan ? Now it's just used to mock us when we get beat...that p*sses me off.

The Poznan was a great idea, the bit we need to get right is not getting beat!
I hate being hated by the media. All the effing bias the tw@ts down the road get! looking at every one of our tackles under a microscope whilst ignoring worse tackles from other teams! Not to mention the hatred and bias of the refs. That was never a pen for THEM, never mind the red card too against QPR.
City haven't paid their dues, the wealth is not generated by the club.
However, how is this worse than United, whose wealth is based on a plane crash, 1968, and Ferguson?
United became wealthy because they had myth and romance, and then when Ferguson arrived incredible success.
I don't have a problem when a club produces wealth, that they spend it on players. City don't produce wealth, so I have a problem.
City need a myth to counter the jealousy.
Dubai Blue said:
I have good mates who are fans of various other teams who would still like to see City do well, so there are definitely still a lot out there who don't hate us. I guess those that do are the ones who have no connection whatsoever to the club, and therefore no idea of what we, as fans, have been through to get here.

However, I have been shocked this year at the reaction that goals scored against us have received in the pub where I watch the games. It's a huge pub full of expat English football fans of all teams (every single game is shown live in there) and there is now always a loud cheer whenever we concede.

It seems that there are plenty out there willing us to fail, which I find quite sad, as I think City fans in general are representative of the vast majority of non-gloryhunting football fans out there. Despite our wealth, we're the perennial underdogs; supporters of clubs like Stoke, Norwich, Everton, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland, West Brom, Fulham etc etc should be willing us on, because we are them. But for some reason, they're not.

isn't that because Abu Dhabi now owns Dubai so by default City are seen as the sporting arm of their rulers :-)

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