Do you play shit in big matches?( football)

all depends on how good/bad the management are.
I played half a season carrying injury...had operation missed all but last two games,played ten mins in one and 15 in the last and was crap fat and knackered.
Cup final the week after I was brought on with 7 mins to go and scored a penalty.Won 1-0! I was the best player in the league the best at the club the dogs nads and more!

to be honest i always found ten pints, a curry and rinsing a minger the night before always give me something other to worry about the day of the game!
I was a football genius sadly i got old fat and disabled at an early age.

Went on to have a more succesful management record than any City manager since Mercer.

Football should be enjoyed, what ever ability you possess.
I never played football but I played Ice Hockey until I was 18. So I think since it is more psychological based I would say that what I have to say is relevant.

Whenever we would play smaller teams, or ones that we had no history with I would tend to have a lapse in concentration every once and a while, much like the City defense and someone would get around me for a break away. Once that happened usually my confidence would be shot for a shift or two, but my coaches gave me some very wise words.

When in doubt, slow the game down. In footie terms, control the ball and pass it back if you have to, allow the game to slow so that you can read it. Once you start to get the feel for the game you will get better as it progresses.

In big games though thats when I shined, I loved the pressure of a big game, especially in the playoffs. I was typically the first man out when the game was on the line and they had pressure on us. I was a defensive defenseman, much like a defensive midfielder (as in hockey a defenseman is expected to play a supporting role much like a midfielder rather than a center half.)

Only once did my nerves fail me, sadly in my very last competitive game. I gave the puck away for someone to go on a breakaway and score on my goalie in a tourtament final. That was my last shift, I was too distraught to go on again. I thought I had cost my team the game. Thankfully we pulled back and went 5 overtimes (5 mins each, and every time 1 player was taken off until it was 1 v 1 with just the goalies) we ended up losing. It was heartbreaking and I still blame myself for that game.

However for the most part I was fine, if you have trouble in the big matches, slow the game down as best you can and get a feel for it. You will come good eventually.

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