Do you think we are building up to World War 3?

No as the next war will involve nuclear weapons and no country will want to risk that.

What will happen though is Cival wars, you only have to look online now to see everyone has an opinion on everything and they are far too extreme.

You are either far left or far right, there is no between anymore and idiots will get defensive on any minuscule thing that will happen as their lives are so boring and void of any meaning they will latch on to any bandwagon that gives them some kind of self importance.

I am just reading about Lily Allen and Katie Hopkins and they are both cunts.
I'm not convinced we will have a WW as we have previously known it such as fighting over territories with actual soldiers on ground.

I believe its already started but with the real movers and shakers in this world such as the Capitalist Corps moving their pieces in this game of chess we call Earth.
So the Financial Sector, Controlling the Mainstream Media, continually brainwashing the western world has been the start and one big weapon unleashed has been propaganda.
The Internet has been the defence mechanism to provide info which goes against the mainstream corporate narrative which wishes to continually enslave the human race.
Believe it or not but most things you are presented with is either to distract you or divide you (Football being a prime example)

To counter the influence of the internet the Mainstream Corps have attempted to take over the popular internet front with weapons such as FaceBook, Twitter, and obviously Google (with key acquisition's from these weapons being YouTube and WhatsApp)

Control the people? Win the war!!

If we physically rise up and come together, ignoring divisions such as race/culture/financial status... Those in power DO castigate, oppose everything this group says and with media narratives brainwash the majority and try to stop then joining this group.

If and its a big if we ever did all realise this we could all come together and take control.
Only then will you realise their panic and implementation of other weapons such as drone/chemical attacks and so on.

We as humans are enslaved right now.
You may feel free because you have a choice of which car you can buy, what food to eat or what football team to support? But try stepping out of the social conditioning, living exactly how you want to live (not how advertisers tell you) and you'll soon realise the state does not like you as your robotic mind has been reprogrammed.

Right now most of us are running a certain piece of software in our brains called British National Curriculum, with regular updates provided by The BBC delivered by Houses of Parliament.

This is for me mass control, and its a weapon.
We've all been victims of it, for generations.

The truth is we are all one collective consciousness.
Doesn't matter what race or religion or whatever else.
We are all the fucking same and its only the very small minority of Capitalist Crusaders who employ our Govts. Who are not the same as us as they are manipulative and aware of this truth and take advantage using weapons for their own benefit.

When they die, they don't take all that materialistic wealth with them to the other side.
All that stays here.
God will judge them and they are punished accordingly.

So don't worry.
Only worry if you do bad yourself as Karma is real.

Don't believe in God?
Fair enough... The truth will be reveled to you when you pass over to the other side (as I did when I died twice on a life support machine)
I totally agree! Only I don't see/experience Karma as a rewarder/ punisher, more of an eternal teacher. And, like you, I have been 'blessed' with a 'peek' to the other side. Many thanks for your post. Be good ;0)
Haha it could well be.

My views are influenced from other sources, no doubt.
Just like everyone else is.

In recent years I've completely tried to disengage with mainstream media.
Closed my Facebook/Twitter accounts.
Have no access to BBC and all that shite.

Only active on a few forums such as here and certain YouTube Channels, and I'll listen to certain Podcasts from people like Joe Rogan, Icke, Alex Jones and many others.

I don't believe it all and often do my own research but have found it to make more sense than what the collective mainstream media would often spout to me.

If anyone can disprove my experience wrong I'll stand corrected.
Ste. You are not alone with your thoughts. And no-one can disprove your experience as they are yours. They can and WILL try to dissuade you but, we both know, the 'seed' is well and truly rooted!
No as the next war will involve nuclear weapons and no country will want to risk that.

What will happen though is Cival wars, you only have to look online now to see everyone has an opinion on everything and they are far too extreme.

You are either far left or far right, there is no between anymore and idiots will get defensive on any minuscule thing that will happen as their lives are so boring and void of any meaning they will latch on to any bandwagon that gives them some kind of self importance.

I am just reading about Lily Allen and Katie Hopkins and they are both cunts.

Too simplistic this - try the political compass test for a more nuanced take on the outdated left / right divide.

I regard myself as socially liberal and economically conservative.

By which I mean that achieving a more prosperous, fairer society can not be achieved by clowns like Jeremy Corbyn and his Marxist chums, it requires grown up intelligent policies.
what a lot of people don't know or are not aware of is that Russia's nuclear system is safe guarded with a system that has radiation sensors deposited around all major cities and towns, as soon as any of the sensors pick up a certain amount of radiation the automatic launch takes over and despatches the lot in a retaliation strike, the automatic launch system can not be stopped once started,lets just hope its never faulty

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