Donald Trump

Nothing screams Fascist like going to hearing for your confirmation as defence secretary wearing a suit where the top pocket is embroidered the US flag whilst telling the politicians the US defence forces should be warriors the rest of the world fears.
I suppose itd be better if he were wearing a Ukraine or Rainbow flag?
Wearing just a normal suit would have sufficed.

Fascism is such an easy ideology if you're in the majority which is probably why it appeals to you. Until the day you're labeled the minority that needs removing.

Don't think he's a minority, mat.

I recall that Dax calims to be Black, of Brazilian and Nigerian ancestry.

Although tbf most Americans are cunts.
Wearing just a normal suit would have sufficed.

Fascism is such an easy ideology if you're in the majority which is probably why it appeals to you. Until the day you're labeled the minority that needs removing.
If you round up 40% of the population, confiscate their assets and execute them, then distribute those assets to the remaining 60%, it would be a period of unparalleled prosperity and wealth. Hurrah.
what a fucking moron

Quote from bbc article.
"economic studies of the impact of the new tariffs that Trump imposed in his first term of office between 2017 and 2020 suggest most of the economic burden was ultimately borne by US consumers.
A survey by the University of Chicago in September 2024 asked a group of respected economists whether they agreed with the statement that "imposing tariffs results in a substantial portion of the tariffs being borne by consumers of the country that enacts the tariffs, through price increases". Only 2% disagreed"

"And researchers who studied the impact of Trump’s first-term tariffs found no substantial positive effects on overall employment in US industrial sectors that were protected.

Trump imposed 25% tariffs on imported steel in 2018 to protect US producers.

By 2020, total employment in the US steel sector was 80,000, still lower than the 84,000 it had been in 2018"

In summary, the guys a fucking prick and he doesn't know what he's doing.
Is the theory that with the increased revenue there will be tax cuts so that people can then afford to pay the higher prices?

If so .... maybe if could work? I'd be shocked though.

And meanwhile the rich get ridiculously rich and the poor get shat on.
Is the theory that with the increased revenue there will be tax cuts so that people can then afford to pay the higher prices?

If so .... maybe if could work? I'd be shocked though.

And meanwhile the rich get ridiculously rich and the poor get shat on.

Thats my understanding of the theory. although the campaign promises seemed to be that nothing would get more expensive and doesn't seem to consider the fact that there would be retaliatory tariff's increasing the cost of US exports.

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