don't know if this counts as football related but...........


Well-Known Member
17 Jul 2005
............i fookin hate those rag fookers more than ever. The next rag who tells me chelski are whingers is going to get a sock in the head, "scum stylie"!!!! Never in a whole game have i seen such moaning and pissing from a bunch of over-rated toss pots. well done bolton for takin the corner before that time wasting van der valk big nosed shit face ass licking cock muncher got back on the pitch. he soon hurried up. C*NT!!!
By the way, i have 3p and half a packet of pacers from 1978 if anyone can get chuckle, taggart and that ugly ugly ugly fletcher one tied up and in my shed by midnight. Just leave them and i'll deal with them when i get back from tgi's full of cocktails!!! (the money and pacers are under the Bernarbia gnome by the pond).
ta. feel better now

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