Drug/gun loons

In Liverpool? Surely not.

I'm sure he's just a cheeky scamp who has a ready smile and loves his granny. There needs to be a petition to get him off as no scouser, ever, is guilty of anything. They are all saints.
They'll be a government petition shortly, along with a go fund me to keep his business running as Liverpool needs more of these 'entrepreneurs'.
Thoughts ?
It's Liverpool, a city that runs on drugs and criminality.
As a city they have no respect for law and order so why is it surprising that a 16 yr old can behave this way. ?

As a country we are on a downward spiral and Liverpool are leading the way.
Are you saying we should nuke Liverpool?

To be fair it would be a vote winner.
My sister in law is scouse.

So yes
It's a serious point you make.

I thought it was because I was getting old but I see this feral behaviour at work everyday. Little shits terrorising passengers and staff on one of our lines that's gotten so bad I refused to work on it. Lack of support from BTP, company offer 'travel safe officers' who are trained in arrest but 'that doesn't look good for the brand.

I do wonder if these kids got a smacking at an early age they might not be a such cunts. Sadly if I doled one out I would be vilified and the kid would be a celebrity.

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