Edin Dzeko

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Swiftfoot said:
JasminBosnia said:
JasminBosnia said:
I wish, he does not start vs Sunderland. Our defense is weakened, no Silva - no creativity, Yaya will be lazy, Navas is not delivering (does not suit our style of play :) ), Clichy will be atrocious again, Nasri is going to have day off, so it will be a time for beauty and the beast to make something on their own. Same applies for Bayern game.

Start Edin vs Plzen. Easy game, the "top class footballers" should rest.

The most part of the post above was right. The real problem is away form and lack of fight in players hearts due to not having leader on and off the pitch.

Matty, yesterday game proved that other players do not offer anything different and better than Edin. He must be very frustrated sitting on the bench. He is clearly better footballer than Alvaro who was poor yesterday and the real problem is terrible defending and no creativity in midfield.

Alvaro was indeed poor yesterday but to say that Edin is 'clearly' a 'better footballer' is to say that you haven't actually seen the Beast play in his past games. He is in the midfield when he needs to and in the box when we need him to be. They each have their strengths but it will be really tough, on current form, to say that Dzeko is the better footballer. Maybe you can offer us some insight into what makes you think that's the case.
I may be doing a disservice here to the aforementioned poster but my guess will be the insight you seek is provided in the form of how many goals Dzeko has scored, and something related to his performances at Wolfsburg/against Spurs/QPR.
Matty said:
JasminBosnia said:
JasminBosnia said:
I wish, he does not start vs Sunderland. Our defense is weakened, no Silva - no creativity, Yaya will be lazy, Navas is not delivering (does not suit our style of play :) ), Clichy will be atrocious again, Nasri is going to have day off, so it will be a time for beauty and the beast to make something on their own. Same applies for Bayern game.

Start Edin vs Plzen. Easy game, the "top class footballers" should rest.

The most part of the post above was right. The real problem is away form and lack of fight in players hearts due to not having leader on and off the pitch.

Matty, yesterday game proved that other players do not offer anything different and better than Edin. He must be very frustrated sitting on the bench. He is clearly better footballer than Alvaro who was poor yesterday and the real problem is terrible defending and no creativity in midfield.


You can't take 1 performance and claim it proves anything. Negredo and Aguero, prior to the Sunderland game, had scored a hatful of goals (5 between them) against CSKA Moscow, what did that prove? Do we now discount that because it's 6 days later and Negredo has had a poor game? Dzeko, in no way, is "clearly" a better footballer than Alvaro, although I'll admit Negredo was poor yesterday. Over the course of this season both Dzeko and Negredo have started games for City, Negredo has, overall, put in better performances, and as such he's the one who has been getting more gametime. Dzeko is still needed, to start on occasion, to try and change a game from the bench on others. The fact you believe one poor performance proves anything at all is why this argument will cycle on forever and people will become more and more frustrated.
I didn't think Negredo was particularly poor yesterday myself, maybe all those games caught up to him a little?
That said I thought Dzeko looked better yesterday than he has for awhile and seemed to show a bit of hunger for the game. Perhaps Pellers had a word after Dzeko's press interview.
Matty said:
JasminBosnia said:
JasminBosnia said:
I wish, he does not start vs Sunderland. Our defense is weakened, no Silva - no creativity, Yaya will be lazy, Navas is not delivering (does not suit our style of play :) ), Clichy will be atrocious again, Nasri is going to have day off, so it will be a time for beauty and the beast to make something on their own. Same applies for Bayern game.

Start Edin vs Plzen. Easy game, the "top class footballers" should rest.

The most part of the post above was right. The real problem is away form and lack of fight in players hearts due to not having leader on and off the pitch.

Matty, yesterday game proved that other players do not offer anything different and better than Edin. He must be very frustrated sitting on the bench. He is clearly better footballer than Alvaro who was poor yesterday and the real problem is terrible defending and no creativity in midfield.


You can't take 1 performance and claim it proves anything. Negredo and Aguero, prior to the Sunderland game, had scored a hatful of goals (5 between them) against CSKA Moscow, what did that prove? Do we now discount that because it's 6 days later and Negredo has had a poor game? Dzeko, in no way, is "clearly" a better footballer than Alvaro, although I'll admit Negredo was poor yesterday. Over the course of this season both Dzeko and Negredo have started games for City, Negredo has, overall, put in better performances, and as such he's the one who has been getting more gametime. Dzeko is still needed, to start on occasion, to try and change a game from the bench on others. The fact you believe one poor performance proves anything at all is why this argument will cycle on forever and people will become more and more frustrated. The reason it "proves" no-one else is better than Dzeko, and that he is clearly a better footballer than Negredo is because that's the viewpoint you held before the game and to say so backs up your agenda. It's an entirely subjective viewpoint.

I think you haven't read between the lines of JasmineB's post(and it was, somewhat, lost in translation). Rotation is key to get the best out of certain players and get them firing on all cylinders. A good example has been the leaving of Hart on the pitch and not dropping him earlier. I think this is the same case with Negerdo. The Prem is a fooking slog with NO winter break. This is something Al hasn't done yet and the games are pretty relentless when you're including internationals as well.

I can see poor form continuing if he doesn't sit out a game or two. If Pellers is one for rotation, he should start it now, imo.
Swiftfoot said:
JasminBosnia said:
JasminBosnia said:
I wish, he does not start vs Sunderland. Our defense is weakened, no Silva - no creativity, Yaya will be lazy, Navas is not delivering (does not suit our style of play :) ), Clichy will be atrocious again, Nasri is going to have day off, so it will be a time for beauty and the beast to make something on their own. Same applies for Bayern game.

Start Edin vs Plzen. Easy game, the "top class footballers" should rest.

The most part of the post above was right. The real problem is away form and lack of fight in players hearts due to not having leader on and off the pitch.

Matty, yesterday game proved that other players do not offer anything different and better than Edin. He must be very frustrated sitting on the bench. He is clearly better footballer than Alvaro who was poor yesterday and the real problem is terrible defending and no creativity in midfield.

Alvaro was indeed poor yesterday but to say that Edin is 'clearly' a 'better footballer' is to say that you haven't actually seen the Beast play in his past games. He is in the midfield when he needs to and in the box when we need him to be. They each have their strengths but it will be really tough, on current form, to say that Dzeko is the better footballer. Maybe you can offer us some insight into what makes you think that's the case.

Quick one: Alvaro need to give 100% in order to reach Edins level. We saw yesterday what is he capable of, did not create any magic when our team underperformed vs team whose every match vs us is a cup final. I would go with the same team vs Spuds home and Bayern away to prove this point to see what is he made of. It is easy to score several goals home vs weak opposition like CSKA or Norwich. He is trying hard because he fight for Spanish no 9 and he just signed for the new club.

Edin has been there and done that (goals and phenomenal performances vs top opposition Real, Bayern, Rags, France, Spuds, Assnl, etc.)
ColinLee said:
Ditto, except I didn't actually stand up or even applaud TBH. That would just look weird applauding the monitor. But an excellent post, pity the poster immediately after this one didn't bother reading it...

Read it, good post but It is not addressed to me as I dont say "Edin is footballing god" and I will not leave if or when Edin leaves the club. It is just coincidence I am here at the time Edin plays for this lovely club. Never cheered for Zeljeznicar, Teplice, Wolfsburg, and i have no intentions on following Edin once he signs for new team. Matty is clearly City fan who is trying to discredit "Edin fans" but never respond to "anti-edin club" not with the single post.

I use this thread to address my opinion and feelings on every player because most of you will read it. Not sure if any of you read my comments about Nasri, Kolarov, Aguero and Alvaro in their respective threads?
Matty said:
bandwagon said:
foetus said:
Yours and jazzy's posts during/after the game were intended to wind people up (you were successful). No-one is against positive comments for Dzeko. It's the over the top love from his fanboys that grinds with posters (some stating he is better than Aguero). All Pudge has done is countered those arguements...he doesn't hate on Dzeko.

Most of the comments on here are now directed at Pudge and have nothing to do with Dzeko's ability. I'm not one for personal abuse but I feel I must add, stop being a ****!

Why do I keep coming on this thread?

it was a joke.

pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general.

pointing out the weaknesses of a player is one thing, but to mock, insult and make fun of a player is something else. pudge doesn't stop there, he even goes after dzeko fans, that's how weird he is.

City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.

Great post Matty. I think it sums up the views of most Blues nicely.

I fear you are preaching to the deaf (which you probably realise) but good effort anyway.
Matty said:
bandwagon said:
foetus said:
Yours and jazzy's posts during/after the game were intended to wind people up (you were successful). No-one is against positive comments for Dzeko. It's the over the top love from his fanboys that grinds with posters (some stating he is better than Aguero). All Pudge has done is countered those arguements...he doesn't hate on Dzeko.

Most of the comments on here are now directed at Pudge and have nothing to do with Dzeko's ability. I'm not one for personal abuse but I feel I must add, stop being a ****!

Why do I keep coming on this thread?

it was a joke.

pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general.

pointing out the weaknesses of a player is one thing, but to mock, insult and make fun of a player is something else. pudge doesn't stop there, he even goes after dzeko fans, that's how weird he is.

City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.
TL;DR version: Dzeko is average and Pudge is allowed to troll as much as he wants.
/ TO MATTY – Moderator /

I was reading some of your posts ( in last months ) with discomfort. I dont agree with quite a lot of things you have said and i really HOPE that i will change your opinion on at least few of them.

1) Saying that Bosnian see Dzeko as football god is an insult to the Bosnians as 3th rate football nation. Bosnia and former Yugoslavia was caled european Brasil and was known as a region of very talnted technical players and great footbalers and still is. And those people DOES unterstand football very god. Posters here are mainly saying that Dzeko is better than someone else ,, none of them ( are small number ) said that he is better than Falcao, Cavani, ....
2) You constantly are putting Aguero in the debate. If people are saying that Dzeko is better than Negredo. And you constantly saying that Negredo AND AGUERO are better. That is helping one side.
3) I was astonished when you said that Lewandowski would maybe join in JAN and would fight with Negredo for 2 spot. And that you are not football scout but there must be some talent who would want to fight for 3 striker place. You named i think Lukaku and Benteke. Lewandowski turned down Real Madrid to be first striker if they sold Benzema. The other two mentoned also will never come. One will fight with Torres for 1 spot the other would want to be starter.
4) YOU have said at least 10 times that Negredo ( and again Aguero ) are bringing more than just scoring. I disagree on at least 2 points
- Dzeko is not great at pasing and holding down ball , Negredo is better but it does not mean that Dzeko can not to those things. The only thing that Negredo is much better is defence play.
- How can you be so sure that Negredo bring the SAME ( ?? ) as Dzeko at scoring. He had only one great season as a lone striker 25 goals ( 8 penaltys ). And after 3,4 good games at City you were 100 % SURE that he brings THE SAME SCORING WISE. I completely disagree. I found it VERY brave thing to say. For example 2 players mentoned before Lukaku and Benteke are similar quality. One can score 20 the other 13. I would not dare to say that they BRING THE SAME. And Dzeko and Negredo are more diferent players than those two are.
5) Dzekos past achievements are by far better than Negredos. HE only have 4 best scorer in a league and few matches for Spain. Of course SPAIN is THE BEST TEAM in the world and is harder to be part of IT, but you can not overlook that Dzeko is BEST and SECOND BEST scorer of the EU/WORLD qualifiers. the last one is CURENT as the BEST 11 of EURO QUALIFIERS. You completely overlook that he lead smal Wolfsburg as a main man to be champions in front of great Bayern who is always TOP 5 in the World.
6) Dzeko would not be so good if he would not have had Misimovic to suply him. It is not accident that he wanted Pjanic, Modric last year in the team and publicly said it. Negredo have an army of Spanish speaking players behind him who naturally spend a lot of time together some are team mates in Spain. Thers inability to speak english makes tham even more conected. Plus Negredo was brought by curent coach and it always in football mean something to be brought by a coach. You are completly ignoring this fact.

I have 2 questions for you:
1) When would be ENOUGH and you will finally say that Pellegrini in not right and the best coach in the world. He used Negredo in 6 league games and 2 CL games in a row. Because he made bad results he will use Negredo again against Tottenham and Swansea at least. When in enough. Would 20 league games in a row with Negredo would be enough to say that he is not right ????
2) Are you aware that even if Negredo is 10-20 % better player than Dzeko. It goes against all posible football rules that you do not rotate those two at least try to rotate. Especialy if Dzeko is STILL wanted by some TOP teams to be their main man , For example Champions leaguse current finalist Dortmund.

I wish you all the BEST and would really look forward for your answers.
Thank you
cleavers said:
Lucky Toma said:
Serious question Cleavers. Are the mods as sick of this stupid infantile thread as the rest of us?

I know the CoC hasnt been broken but surely there's something that can be done?
I can only answer for myself, yes.

Looks like Matty has similar feelings too, good post mate.

I've suggested it before without being 100% serious, but if everyone really wants to end this nonsense, split the thread (or lock it and create two new threads) into one for those who are predisposed to Dzeko and one for those who aren't. He can be celebrated on one and criticized on the other. I know that this seems to go against the idea of a healthy discussion, where new information is exchanged and opinions altered, but since that doesn't appear to be happening in this thread anyway, why continue? Different religions that disagree vehemently (and violently) on many points coexist by not questioning the fundamental beliefs of the others, even if they don't agree with them, and even if they think they're stupid and just plain wrong. What we have in this thread is analogous to a bunch of fundamentalist Christians sharing a place of worship with a bunch of fundamentalist Muslims - every time one side gets up and discusses an article of faith, the other side shouts them down. Unpleasantness ensues. Forever and ever.
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