Edin Dzeko

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Matty said:
bandwagon said:
foetus said:
Yours and jazzy's posts during/after the game were intended to wind people up (you were successful). No-one is against positive comments for Dzeko. It's the over the top love from his fanboys that grinds with posters (some stating he is better than Aguero). All Pudge has done is countered those arguements...he doesn't hate on Dzeko.

Most of the comments on here are now directed at Pudge and have nothing to do with Dzeko's ability. I'm not one for personal abuse but I feel I must add, stop being a ****!

Why do I keep coming on this thread?

it was a joke.

pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general.

pointing out the weaknesses of a player is one thing, but to mock, insult and make fun of a player is something else. pudge doesn't stop there, he even goes after dzeko fans, that's how weird he is.

City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.

truly disgusting and sickening post. how many times did you mention "bosnia" and "bosnian".

i'm not even bosnian. does it burn you inside that i'm an english man who rates dzeko ?
noise said:
Matty said:
bandwagon said:
it was a joke.

pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general.

pointing out the weaknesses of a player is one thing, but to mock, insult and make fun of a player is something else. pudge doesn't stop there, he even goes after dzeko fans, that's how weird he is.

City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.
TL;DR version: Dzeko is average and Pudge is allowed to troll as much as he wants.
If that one sentence is your assessment and response to everything I've just had to say, then perhaps I should reply in equally brief fashion.

Please, do fuck off. I explained myself, in full. You've clearly chosen to ignore it all and stick to your original opinions of myself, Pudge, and everyone else who doesn't agree with your own views completely. So I reiterate, yet again, my desire that you fuck off. I'm done with you, I refuse to waste my time trying to speak to someone so devoid of the ability to debate, understand common courtesy, and see when someone is actually trying to stop the utter shiteness that is this thread from continuing continuously.
bandwagon said:
Matty said:
bandwagon said:
it was a joke.

pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general.

pointing out the weaknesses of a player is one thing, but to mock, insult and make fun of a player is something else. pudge doesn't stop there, he even goes after dzeko fans, that's how weird he is.

City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.

truly disgusting and sickening post. how many times did you mention "bosnia" and "bosnian".

i'm not even bosnian. does it burn you inside that i'm an english man who rates dzeko ?

I'd wager I didn't mention Bosnia, or Bosnians, nearly as many times as Dzeko's supports have/do.

Also, when someone is accused of having a nasty attitude towards BOSNIANS IN GENERAL, it's kind of hard to respond without mentioning, you know, Bosnia and Bosnians!

You've clearly not read, or understood, anything I've written if you think it "burns me inside that you're English and rate Dzeko". I DON'T CARE WHAT NATIONALITY DZEKO IS! I ALSO DON'T CARE WHAT NATIONALITY DZEKO'S SUPPORTERS ARE. It is a fact that the vast majority of Dzeko's fans are, in fact, Bosnians. An undeniable fact.

The fact you claim not to be Bosnian and yet still have an unhealthy attitude towards Dzeko is something of a surprise I have to say. At least with those who share a nationality with Dzeko I can see why they just can't grasp Dzeko might not be the best footballer in City's squad, with those such as yourself it just simply baffles me.
Matty said:
bandwagon said:
Matty said:
City lost yesterday, to a team in the relegation zone. City fans were not particularly pleased with that result, or performance. It was exactly the wrong time to start trying to "have a joke" on a City forum. Mocking our failure, taking the opportunity to tub thump for Dzeko, calling Negredo (one half of a very successful strikeforce this season) shit, all of these things will obviously make actual City fans pretty pissed off. You knew exactly what you were doing. You, along with many of our posters who reside, or are originally from, Bosnia, only come of this website, and only "follow" City because of Dzeko. You're not City fans, you couldn't give 2 shits how City play, or what results we get. You'd rather we lost if Dzeko isn't playing, as it fits your agenda of getting him to play no matter what. It's all of this that gets on the nerves of boardmembers who actually support Manchester City. If Dzeko was the best player for the role, and he was regularly scoring goals, contributing throughout the pitch, assisting others, working hard etc then we'd all be delighted with him and want him to play every week. He isn't, so we don't. The problem is that there are numerous boardmembers with Bosnian affilitations who are blinkered to all of this, they don't see the bad in Dzeko's game, and just concentrate on the good. They refuse to view things objectively.

Add to that inaccurate and insulting comments such as the one you've made below and it's hardly a surprise that people are taking the polar opposite viewpoint to yourself.

"pudge is getting alot stick because of his nasty attitude towards dzeko and bosnians in general"

Firstly, Pudge's attitude is not nasty. He simply doesn't rate Dzeko as highly as you do, won't be swayed from his opinion and argues it on a regular basis. None of that is nasty, he's said on far too many occasions for me to be bothered to quote them that he doesn't think Dzeko is shit, but that he does believe we have better options.

Secondly, if Pudge has a "nasty attitude2 towards Bosnians (which he doesn't) it would most likely be triggered by the amount of personal abuse and targetted posting he's getting in this thread from a group of Bosnian posters.

I get that with the historical issues the former Yugoslavian countries have had it is important to you all to be classed as Bosnians, and that you have a less than cuddly relationship with some of your neighbouring countries. However, what you really need to realise here is that we don't give a shit. We don't care that Dzeko is Bosnian. It really doesn't matter to us one iota where he's from. He could be Craotian and we wouldn't care. He could be Serbian. He could be French, German, Argentinian, Malaysian, Egyptian, Brazillian, Australian or Nepalese. We couldn't give a shit. All we care about is what he does on the pitch. If people's attitude towards him is less than complimentary it has the sum total of fuck all to do with him being Bosnian, and if our attitude towards those who blindly defend him and refuse to see what's in front of their faces is less than complimentary it too has the sum total of fuck all to do with them being Bosnian.

So, let me make a few suggestions, which should, be won't, make this thread a better place for all:-

1 - No personal posts. If you disagree with another poster then by all means post counter arguments. Do NOT make posts specifically aimed at another poster, for whatever reason.

2 - Understand that you are dealing with City fans and not Dzeko fans. We want whats best for City which may not always equate to what is best for Dzeko.

3 - Do not use City's poor performances as a way of "point scoring" against actual City fans. We've supported City for years, for decades in many cases, we followed City when they were in League One and total shit, and we follow them now. You follow City because Dzeko is here. When he leaves the club, whenever that may be, you will leave the club too, and go and "support" whichever club it is that we sell Dzeko to. That being the case you are here as "guests", we know where your affiliations lie, we accept that having Dzeko as a City player means having a large number of Bosnians as City fans, you need to accept that we are ACTUAL fans of Manchester City, who ACTUALLY care about our results. Don't take the piss when we lose simply because it allows you to push your Dzeko agenda, you will find your time here will end very quickly if that happens.

4 - Try and grasp that there is a grey area between "Dzeko is a footballing God" and "Dzeko is utter shite", this is the grey area where the majority of us sit, and it's the grey area within which Dzeko actually exists.

5 - Come to terms with the fact that football is a complex game, it is not simply about scoring goals. Stats have never told the real story about anything, there is far more to football then spreadsheets, graphs, and counting goals/assists/crosses. We will use a footballers "performance" IN IT'S ENTIRETY when assessing their worth to the team.

6 - Regurgitation of the same points/arguments is not actually contributing to the debate. If it's been discussed, in depth, many times over, then perhaps it isn't a point worth making again, and again, and again.

truly disgusting and sickening post. how many times did you mention "bosnia" and "bosnian".

i'm not even bosnian. does it burn you inside that i'm an english man who rates dzeko ?

I'd wager I didn't mention Bosnia, or Bosnians, nearly as many times as Dzeko's supports have/do.

Also, when someone is accused of having a nasty attitude towards BOSNIANS IN GENERAL, it's kind of hard to respond without mentioning, you know, Bosnia and Bosnians!

You've clearly not read, or understood, anything I've written if you think it "burns me inside that you're English and rate Dzeko". I DON'T CARE WHAT NATIONALITY DZEKO IS! I ALSO DON'T CARE WHAT NATIONALITY DZEKO'S SUPPORTERS ARE. It is a fact that the vast majority of Dzeko's fans are, in fact, Bosnians. An undeniable fact.

The fact you claim not to be Bosnian and yet still have an unhealthy attitude towards Dzeko is something of a surprise I have to say. At least with those who share a nationality with Dzeko I can see why they just can't grasp Dzeko might not be the best footballer in City's squad, with those such as yourself it just simply baffles me.

ofcourse you don't care what nationality he is . thats why you have to keep talking about bosnia and bosnians. anyone who says anything positive about dzeko is a bosnian according to you. you are really a sick individual. please, seek help.
bandwagon said:
ofcourse you don't care what nationality he is . thats why you have to keep talking about bosnia and bosnians. anyone who says anything positive about dzeko is a bosnian according to you. you are really a sick individual. please, seek help.
And you sir are just a WUM, and I say that not in defence of Matty, or as a mod, I say it based on your contribution on this forum thus far.
cleavers said:
bandwagon said:
ofcourse you don't care what nationality he is . thats why you have to keep talking about bosnia and bosnians. anyone who says anything positive about dzeko is a bosnian according to you. you are really a sick individual. please, seek help.
And you sir are just a WUM, and I say that not in defence of Matty, or as a mod, I say it based on your contribution on this forum thus far.

the anti-bosnian attitude on this forum is making me sick to the stomach.

if you're racist, support another club because this club does not tolerate racists and racism.
bandwagon said:
cleavers said:
bandwagon said:
ofcourse you don't care what nationality he is . thats why you have to keep talking about bosnia and bosnians. anyone who says anything positive about dzeko is a bosnian according to you. you are really a sick individual. please, seek help.
And you sir are just a WUM, and I say that not in defence of Matty, or as a mod, I say it based on your contribution on this forum thus far.

the anti-bosnian attitude on this forum is making me sick to the stomach.

if you're racist, support another club because this club does not tolerate racists and racism.
Calling you a WUM is racist ? Wow.
cleavers said:
bandwagon said:
cleavers said:
And you sir are just a WUM, and I say that not in defence of Matty, or as a mod, I say it based on your contribution on this forum thus far.

the anti-bosnian attitude on this forum is making me sick to the stomach.

if you're racist, support another club because this club does not tolerate racists and racism.
Calling you a WUM is racist ? Wow.

since you like going around the forum and randomly calling people "wums" .. where was you yesterday when a poster in the Fernandinho thread called me a bosnian ?
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