Well-Known Member
Oh dear, another one. All the points I did mention. When cars were first made only the rich could afford them and fuel stations were few and far between(I am old enough to see signs saying ‘last fuel for xxx miles or before motorway) now everyone has one and many more than one. Same with TVs mobile phones(in fact even kids have one). Like I said, even if you park on the road I have no doubt that you park it up for at least an hour when shopping. Many, many shopping centres and supermarkets have charging points. And ‘it will only get better’ and lots of money IS being spent expanding the network.There's little point mocking people with a genuine complaint about recharging EV's by making a comparison that makes little sense.
You don't need to 'charge' an ICE at home because there is already fuel stored. EV's utilising batteries to store evergy are simply not efficient and never will be. What if you work somewhere where there isn't an EV car park facility available? Many people park their vehicles outside their workplace rather or on the streets where no charge ports are located. "It will only get better" translates to "it's going to cost hundreds of billions to develop an entirely new infrastructure that will only be beneficial to a few rather than the majority".
EV's cars are the way forward, but battery stored energy method isn't. That is the main issue and concern with EV cars at present. The public is being 'sold' on the premise that we can 'charge up the EV at home', but unless we have designated parking spaces outside our own homes with charge ports, all we're going to see are a lot of extension leads draped across pavements as those who were unable to park close to their own home and unable charge their EV during the day, desperately try and put power back into their car overnight.