When I was getting the tram to the Everton game a very old man fell face first on the platform. An ambulance was called and they were told 20 minutes. Someone on the tram (boomer) was telling anyone who would listen that ‘if they had said he was Muslim it would have been here in 10’.
It’s genuinely astounding how messed up their mind must be to direct such an incident to racism in the heat of the moment when an old man is struggling for consciousness on a concrete floor. Like, how do you even make that connection?
I do find that the boomer age group is particularly susceptible to social media brainwashing due to poor education and a late entry into the world of technology and social media in general.
I’ve seen my own father be totally brainwashed by social media the last 10 years or so. It got to the point where we were talking about football and he randomly, out of no where, started telling me the NHS were now paying £50 just to change a lightbulb, before the football conversation just carried on. It was like that Truman Show scene were Truman’s wife starts advertising a product in the middle of a conversation.