Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

This **** would happily see the world burn if it meant he benefited.
He’s worse than Trump. The ****.
Not trying to make a blanket statement here but SA whites, especially those who made their millions from the mines during the apartheid regime are a different type of evil and that's the class Elon comes from, so yes you are right, he makes Trump look like a joke
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It was never perfect but I think it eventually got the right balance between allowing different views but stopping hate speech from flourishing.

Now, its an absolute cess pit. Their algorisms promote the worst, most controversial and most hateful opinions. All to get people to "engage" more. Neo-nazis buy the blue ticks to promote their views and their comments on under near every story.

The place is full of A.I Bots.

Those wanting a 'career' from their views and opinions post the worst stuff all to get clicks.

It's best avoided but it's where the tabloids get most of their hateful stories from.
I have an account but never really used it. Only set it up when they changed it so you had to be a member to view posts.

Started looking on there when the election was announced and commented on a few posts related to reform - negatively.

Been using it since but all I get is right wing crap from tommy Robinson and his ilk. Not sure if I messed my algorithm up myself by commenting on particular posts or if that's what it's like for everyone now but all I see is posts slagging off labour and immigrants.
I have an account but never really used it. Only set it up when they changed it so you had to be a member to view posts.

Started looking on there when the election was announced and commented on a few posts related to reform - negatively.

Been using it since but all I get is right wing crap from tommy Robinson and his ilk. Not sure if I messed my algorithm up myself by commenting on particular posts or if that's what it's like for everyone now but all I see is posts slagging off labour and immigrants.
That's the Musk factor. I dontbuse it now. Its a cess pit and its deliberately engineered that way.

Owned by a right wing nut job and altered to promote his views and others like them.
I’d go to threads but can’t be arsed making an Instagram. Twitter is a cesspool but I follow so many good US political Twitter accounts that it would be a pain to start again also.


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