Evidence for religion

Hello Thorin.

I have a question for the athesits out there. What do you believe happens after death?

Your body (including your brain) decomposes. The neurons in the brain stop firing and therefore our conscious mind ceases to exist.

Does it give you comfort to think we are gone and that is it?

No, it would be nice if something fun happened afterwards. At the same time, it's good to know that you can't suffer from that point onward.

Does it not give you comfort to think your dead relatives\friends are in a better place?

If that was the case, yes. But nobody has yet managed to present a valid reason to believe that they are.

If I 'chose' to believe that they were in a better place, that wouldn't make it true. Sure, I might feel better but that isn't a good enough reason to deny the truth.
Makes me feel sad for religious types, wasting the only life they get, on something which does not exist, something entirely pointless. All those millions of people going to church umpteen times a week. Millions kneeling down and praying to Mecca. What an utterly senseless waste of time. Let alone the countless millions who have died over it.

In the words of Woody Allen, "if there is a God, then I wouldn't necessarily say he is evil. But he's definitely an under-achiever'
It absolutely baffles me that in this day and age people still believe in this shit. Boiled my piss in fact. People using the Father Christmas example ! Well, kids get over that and move on on the the basis of evidence. Adults with God and Jesus? No. Deluded fucktards

Jesus was basically a 2 millennia ago pound shop David Copperfield, no, even Paul fucking McKenna.

Grown fucking adults believing in fairy tales, it's an absolute joke. We keep banging on about fake news being a new phenomenon but fuck me this trumps (no pun intended) the lot.

Not one shred of evidence these cunts existed but BILLIONS of people believe. But not just one God. No. There's fucking loads of them. Heaven must be a great laugh up there with Allah smashing the fuck out of vishnu, then suicide bombing our (the best one of course) God.
Also, all atheists aren’t a homogenous group. We are all different, the only thing that unites us, is agreeing there is insufficient evidence to believe in god. Whichever one you care to mention.
As a pedant I would say that is more of a definition of an agnostic. Atheists are rather more of the opinion that there is enough evidence to deny the existence of a deity, which is a little different.
But religion is about faith. Believing without seeing.

I have a question for the athesits out there. What do you believe happens after death? Does it give you comfort to think we are gone and that is it? Does it not give you comfort to think your dead relatives\friends are in a better place?
I've lost people, and in the immidiate aftermath "hoped" there was something more. But I can't believe it. I just can't in the long term.

It gives me comfort to believe that this life is more than a "test". But ultimately it's nothing to do with what comforts us. One one of us can be right.

But even if there's a God, which one?

Which of the 24 monotheistic God's is the real one? Or maybe it's one of the thousands of collections that the polytheists believe in?

But then historically, Religious Scholars have been responsible for many scientific discoveries between the years 800-1600AD. So as much as we Atheists wish to dismiss religion, it has a real actual impact on the true reality we accept now. One excellent example below: Listen from 3:50. Even Atheists:

As a pedant I would say that is more of a definition of an agnostic. Atheists are rather more of the opinion that there is enough evidence to deny the existence of a deity, which is a little different.

You prove my point. What evidence would you use to illustrate your point.

Agnostics I feel don’t rule out god. I rule out god until you provide evidence. I couldn’t provide evidence he doesn’t exist, only a set of propositions that make his existence highly questionable. Lack of historical contemporary eveidence. No record of him in Roman history. A failure to believe natural laws can be suspended. No contact since. 1000 gods born of a Virgin. Nearly 30 gods who have the same SP as Jesus. Evolution. Us not being the centre of the universe even though his book claims we are and so on. I couldn’t produce definite evidence he doesn’t though. Just as you couldn’t definitively prove Angelina Jolie doesn’t visit me every night as a beam of energy, takes human form and fucks me into a coma.

She does. It’s great. Best thing is, I don’t even have to call her a taxi after.
You think something happens after death, really ? I suppose turning into worm food is an option.

I Personelly believe in god but I don’t think there is anything after death.

It’s a bit mad really cause I’m scared of heights and the other day I was in a castle in wales and was looking out over the walls - fairly high up - my vertigo kicked in and I seriously 100% wondered what would happen if I just jumped....now I’m not so bad that I’d do it, I lead a reasonable life, but I wondered about the white or death thing.
I mean, it’s biza that it’s just so final. What happen? Blank, nothingness, just gone?!?. Fkin strange feeling.
But religion is about faith. Believing without seeing.

I have a question for the athesits out there. What do you believe happens after death? Does it give you comfort to think we are gone and that is it? Does it not give you comfort to think your dead relatives\friends are in a better place?
Atheism and religion are but two sides of the same coin, one prefers to use its head while the other relies on tails.
No one is born religious your just brain washed into believing it.
What does it matter whether it gives us comfort? If we take comfort from things that aren’t real and we know it isn’t real, then we are kidding ourselves. To hope our friends are in a better place is a defence mechanism to deal with death. If our loved ones are there then we could go to.

Here’s how I see it as an atheist.

My mum and my dad aren’t dead. They look back at me everytime I look in the mirror. Every time I look at my brothers, my children, my siblings children. I see them, I hear them. I see their humour, their strength, their values. As long as I am alive they’re alive. And even when I am dead they will on in our children, as I will.

Love this life, be a good ****. This is it. And it’s a trillion to one we are even here. Or more actually.

So we are not gone and that’s it. We live on in our family. There’s no man in the sky. But there is the wonder of the universe and how we are a part of it that can understand so much of it. I think that’s a gift. We aren’t pessimistic, we look at the truth and even when that can seem bleak, it’s not, and even if it was, is pretending that we go to a place where we all reunite the answer?

For some yes. Not for me. I prefer to accept the situation. Plus, if god did exist and decided to put in an appearance, I would tell him to go fuck himself for standing by and allowing so much cruelty to happen.

If you read his book and that’s really how he us, then even if he was real I wouldn’t even like him, never mind worship him.

When my boy was a baby he needed a small op. Nothing serious, a wee hernia. Fuck all. I was worried sick. On the day after his op he was down in a ward that had about six kids who had leukemia. The wee darlings broke my heart, I felt for their parents and I knew at that moment there was no god. To make children and their parents suffer like that. And if he actually did exist, I would fucking hate him.

Also, all atheists aren’t a homogenous group. We are all different, the only thing that unites us, is agreeing there is insufficient evidence to believe in god. Whichever one you care to mention.
So you’re saying you’re whole family are possessed.?

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