Well-Known Member
Travelling on an escalator - either up or down - only to step off it and stop moving. Just have a wee natter while everyone else on the escalator is piling up behind you with nowhere to go.
And then when you make some sort of gesture to them to move, they look at you like YOU'RE the rude one!Travelling on an escalator - either up or down - only to step off it and stop moving. Just have a wee natter while everyone else on the escalator is piling up behind you with nowhere to go.
She is not as dim and she sim'sMy mate asked his girlfriend - who he swears is the dumbest human being he has ever met - if she wanted her pizza cut into 6 pieces of 8 pieces. She replied,
"Better cut it into 6 - I am not sure I could eat 8 pieces".
You haven't had much to do with the Justice System then as that its exactly how it works (LOL) but you believe correct at least its been attributed to him without historians verifying it was first attributed to him which I am sure it was not as for example you can flip a coin and you will get a different outcome eventually sometimes it only takes two throws in fact with probability 1/2.I believe it was Einstein that said "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."