We're an ageing fan base. I know when I was younger I would do anything to get to a game. Back then there wasn't wall to wall football and live streams so if you missed it you missed it. All over the country I went to watch us mainly get beat. I was young and fit, could rough it, went with mates and had a blast. Now a lot older the thought of being stuck in traffic on a coach for hours and the same coming back and paying £50+ for a game that if we win; I'll have to do the same journey in a month doesn't appeal. In those old days I would have died happy seeing us win one league cup, now in 14 years we've won 13 trophies and I've been to Wembley countless times.
It's also Easter, families will have made plans and people are getting battered left right and centre with massive rises in the cost of living. If we take 20,000 for such a game 200 miles away we've done brilliantly no matter what the media and Twitter goons say. Fuck them. We're dying off and getting old, tired and medical ailments, it's time for the youngsters to take up the mantle and show the passion we did. After all you've got a much better team to support these days.