FA No To Mancini...

mancity dan

Well-Known Member
4 Jun 2009
Block 316
Its ridiculous that league games are being played the same day as the FA Cup Final anyways but this is even worse. If results go the scums way they could win the league half an hour before we start the Final. Meaning it could overshadow our win. The FA have said that they will not move the rags game by 24 hours.
coops said:
Who cares if they win the league the same day! There gonna win it anyway nothing will over shadow an fa cup final win!

Hopefully they are all still at swamp while we are playing then if we win
They can rip the banner down, that will overshadow there celebrations
us winning our first cup for 30 odd years will overshadow the sceond coming of christ let alone a ref manufactured prem title for the worst side in history.

take the cheating out and chelsea would have won it by xmas.
All this seasons prem fixtures schedule have been a fucking joke this time,whoever does them needs a fucking good kicking or sacking or both !

Prem games on cup final day,what a fucking shite decision
Can anyone enlighten to me as to why there are other games this day? I just dont get it. I love watching the FA Cup Final regardless of who is playing in it, cant believe that if City werent there I'd be off to COMS to watch the Stoke game instead of watching the Final on the TV. Madness!

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