Fantasy band

Lead Vocals/Guitars - Robin Zander

Lead Guitar/Vocals - Rick Nielsen

4, 8 and 12 String Basses/Vocals - Tom Petersson

Drums - Bun E. Carlos

And I would call the band Cheap Trick....

; )
dell74 said:
Bass - John Paul Jones
Lead - jimmy Page
Drums John Bonham
Vocals - Robert Plant

I think I may have something here

Think they would go down like a lead zeppelin meself mate. ; )
Bass - Me
Lead guitar - James Hetfield (with back-up vocals, mostly singing "Ye-heah!"
Rythm guitar - Slash
Drums - Dave Lombardo
Lead vocals - Aaron Lewis

Pretty mainstream you might say, but whatever, they got where they are due to talent. Apart from me of course, but it's my fantasy.
Bass - Posh
Lead guitar - Ginger
Rythm guitar - Scary
Drums - Sporty
Lead vocals - Baby

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