UK far right trouble July/August 24

Bad faith is picking and choosing which elements of a debate should not be heard.

Why should Racism not be a part of such a debate?
As long as it's not the only argument that you've got great, nothing should ever be off the table in any debate.
OK tell me where I played the race card in my post?

and for your information I was just behind the bus in Tavistock Square when the bomb went off and had a clear view of both the explosion and the aftermath so don't you dare fucking tell me I'm forgetting terrorist events
You're not giving sufficient weight to the atrocities committed by immigrants over the last 20 years or so.
As both major political parties have the same policy on immigration, i.e. let's pretend that it isn't a problem and anyone who disagrees is a racist, perhaps the 4.1 million thought they'd vote tactically?

I never said the incident on Monday was anything to do with race or religion or immigration. At this point we don't know thexreason. In time we'll know what the murderer's motive was.

I widened the discussion to try and explain the underlying anger felt in working class communities who bear the brunt of large immigrant communities.
I live in a working class community, and without immigrants and their business' the town would be a ghost town. This goes back to the 70's.
Be truthful if say 4 Somalian young men who couldn’t speak English and you knew they were migrants would you feel just as comfortable with your young children playing outside unsupervised with those men you know nothing about hanging around ?
Now in todays world that extra concern you’ve just felt might actually make you racist, that’s because you’re basing you concerns on the colour of skin and foreigners but it’s the unknown, they dont know who they are
how many people have ben told that Islam tells them its their to duty to kill non believers and its fine to have sex with underage girls and beat their women etc…
This on top of what people have already seen in the past, muslims blow themselves up in terror attacks like 9/11 and MEN, Muslims have chopped a soldiers head off.

People in deprived areas are living this at the moment they don’t know they’re neighbours and are scared and if you’re not living on a street or community where this is happening it’s hard to understand I’d imagine
These people for me deserve to have their concerns listened too and reassured

If all the racial tension is to calm down people on both sides need to be able to discuss it and listen to each other

smashing up churches and bricking police officers doesn’t help anything but neither does labelling someone a right wing nut job racist if they raise a concern because then normal decent people are too scared to express their concerns for fear of being labelled
There's a few HMOs at the end of my street, a housing trust round the corner. English, Polish, African, etc.

There's never any issues between anyone, but if you go on the town FB group you'd think there were rapes going on every day. Your posts remind me of a lot of those posts.
You're not giving sufficient weight to the atrocities committed by immigrants over the last 20 years or so.

Aren't I ? What makes you say that given that I've directly witnessed a terrorist attack and if I close my eyes I can vividly picture it even today??

You know that for a fact do you? Is this your idea of a debate then? Because for someone who wants a debate it strikes me as your mind is already made up but then that's just me presuming to be inside your head, which is exactly what you have just done to me and it gets us absolutely nowhere.

So I'll ignore that you haven't answered my question about where my post played the race card and I'll restate my original question which goes to the heart of your point about needing a debate, which was...

what form should the debate take and who should be involved?

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