UK far right trouble July/August 24

Well the one solution is you block the apps, tik tok, Twitter the fucking lot, say it’s a threat to national security or whatever you want, can’t see riots on the streets if you block them anyway and the world will move on. I’ve noticed people on my friends list who I thought where rational humans having views and obviously buying into a lot of this shit it’s become disturbing to at the least.

The advantage of this is it will motivate those on the correct side of events to hate the fash even more
Some unknown organisation on tiktok is helping fuel this, so many new bot accounts that know how the algorithm works to get their hate to go viral, then the videos are filled with supportive comments from other bots. Which then goes on to make actual users think these are popular acceptable opinions and help brainwash.
It’s the same on YouTube, a while back I responded to a plethora of extreme far right hate posts relating to the same video clip, I guessed I would get a good going over but not a single response, it then dawned on me I was replying to bots so haven’t bothered since.
Of course, but there's a distinction between carrying a vegetable knife home in a Tesco bag and carrying a flick knife in your pocket. There are obviously grey areas, but the laws need tightening.
if you’re suggesting that sentences associated with knife crime need increasing, then sadly, I agree with you.
Some unknown organisation on tiktok is helping fuel this, so many new bot accounts that know how the algorithm works to get their hate to go viral, then the videos are filled with supportive comments from other bots. Which then goes on to make actual users think these are popular acceptable opinions and help brainwash.

“Huh, that’s weird. All of these accounts can be traced to this IP address which is registered to трахнибританцев”
Arm the police ffs.

The wannabe little chav football hooligan types who are causing all this shit won’t be half as brave if they knew every cop was armed - you know, like they are in literally every other country on the fucking planet apart from the UK.

There’s nothing special about our daft little island that means our police shouldn’t carry guns in the same way their peers do around the world.
Empty threat, they'd be way too scared to actually use them. There's not enough Police (thanks tories, especially May). And there's far too big a percentage of women in the Police (thanks the equality brigade). The Police are there to deal with the knuckle draggers of society, and if that means they have to get stuck in, so be it. Good luck in a scrap though if half your mob are women, and your outnumbered against a mob of blokes.
Let’s be honest, this is nothing to do with the poor children butchered in Southport, or genuine concerns about knife crime or immigration. This is just a feral mob whipped into a frenzy by the far right on social media.

Let’s be honest, this is nothing to do with the poor children butchered in Southport, or genuine concerns about knife crime or immigration. This is just a feral mob whipped into a frenzy by the far right on social media.

This perfectly reinforces the point I made literally 30 mins ago.

Arm. The. Police.
It’s still only Friday and it’s already booting off. Tomorrow is going to be carnage all over the country going off the number of far-right protests, oops sorry riots, that are planned.

I will add that I agree with other posters that while this is clearly being driven by the far-right, they’ll be brainwashing some along the way who might not necessarily buy into that ideology but are easily led.

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