UK far right trouble July/August 24

It’s undemocratic to ban them. That’s exactly what right-wing parties have done in countries that have experienced such governments.
Plus…that’s exactly what they want. Gives them a legitimate political focus
Fundamentally disagree. It's not undemocratic to ban them at all as violence and hate speech is unlawful. That's what these Far Right organisations do. They have no place in politics and indeed society if they can't do it peacefully and without hate speech.
What on earth have Somalis as a broad community done in this country to be feared?

I would say if 4 random Somali men were hanging about outside my house, I would question what they were doing there. If they were my neighbours, I'd speak to them and get to know my neighbours. If 4 white men that I didn't know were hanging about outside my house I'd be wondering what they were they doing there too. The idea that I should negatively judge Somali people whom I haven't spoken to or know anything about purely because of what others have said about Muslims maddening to me.

Fear of the unknown includes white English people, because to me the 'unknown' isn't about their culture or religion, it's about them as an individual. I wouldn't send my son out unsupervised if 4 white men I have never seen before were hanging about outside my house. That doesn't mean I have something against white men, I'm just very protective over my son. Now, most likely people have a reason to be where they are, so a simple conversation would most likely ease those fears or concerns.

The people whose concerns you want to listen to, why are they scared of their neighbours? Who are their neighbours? Has something happened to make them fearful? Have the neighbours done something or behaved in a way that is concerning? Are they fearful because of what they're being told on GB News? You're right that people's concerns should be listened to, but it's important to ask questions about those concerns, and not just say 'well, they're scared of their Muslim neighbours, we must do something about immigration'.
You clearly don’t come across many Somalis in your neck of the woods.
I know people who live in Sunderland and someone who works at the Uni. People from there will attest - the House of Jollof is well liked and the Uni would have closed if there were no foreign students- these thicko's want to further cut down their local economy coz they don't like forriners - maybe these knuckle draggers are the reason the Uni have a London Campus

I think South Warwickshire will escape the worst of it.
Most of Cambridgeshire should be ok as well, although there is a sausage and cider festival taking place tomorrow, so it might well spell the end of civilisation as we know it. Then again…

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