UK far right trouble July/August 24

There' s so many. From railways and industrial revolution to computing and sciences. Culturally we have musicians who are known world wide, writers, comedians. We are and have been a major force for democracy, common law, anti slavery etc.

But I am guessing you know that ? Confused.
You could argue the Poles (well A Pole, it’s not like it was a group effort) set the wheel turning on computing. Anti Slavery? The empire was built on slavery. I’ll give you humour, the English have produced some of the finest comedy about.
I know you're legally correct and I'm not disagreeing with you but to call a 17 year old a "child" seems ridiculous. Although not life savvy at that age it's not really in the child category, would classify as young adults who (in most cases) should have reasonable life skills. We've become a proper Nanny state.
Totally agree in cases like this early Identification can assist with gathering evidence politicians need to change the rules.
There are extraordinarily evil clever and more importantly powerful people attempting to create a full blooded clash of civilisations between the west and Islam

It's terrifying
This felt a bit odd at the time. Now makes sense.

LONDON — Rishi Sunak used a hastily arranged address outside No.10 Downing Street Friday night to warn that British democracy faces “intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence”

In a speech calling for more tolerance in politics after weeks of heightened tensions, Sunak said he feared that Britain’s “great achievement” — a multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy — was now being “deliberately undermined” by both Islamists and the far right.
We have been invaded too. Yes I said England. If you go on the world wide Web which we invented and have a look.

Oh that's alright then, if we have been invaded I guess we are OK to invade anyone we want to.

And thanks for inventing the internet, you did a nice job apart from allowing morons to get connected and vote for Nigel Fartrage and Donald Trump
Politicians who seek personal gain by inflaming tensions really need to be called out. There can be no excuse for the kind of inflammatory social media grifting witnessed from the likes of Nigel Farage in the last few days, posing dodgy questions rather than only offering his support to the victims.
As if Nigel Farage gives a shit about anyone but himself.

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