UK far right trouble July/August 24

Somebody mentioned it the other day, and it rings true; social media is dramatically under-regulated. For all intents and purposes, it's a lawless battleground where people can say what they want and face zero repercussions; in the name of upholding free speech, of course.

Absolutely. Where the amount a message is amplified isn't dependent on how accurate it is, but on the personality who is mentioning it.

Interesting novel I read a while back, 'The Circle' - a near-future society that had moved to one form of social network and where people had to use their true identity. Things still go wrong, obviously, but I think it would be a start. So much of the disinformation that is in place is from automated bots, get rid of them and things would instantly improve to an extent.
The JSO mob were (a) repeat offenders, (b) on bail for previous offences (c) guilty of a conspiracy to cause even more significant disruption than they achieved and (d) showed contempt for the legal process throughout the trial. They were also convicted under a law that carries a maximum 10 year tariff.

While attacking the police and places of worship is abhorrent I would expect a first offender to be treated more leniently than those JSO people. Whether that's right or wrong is another matter.

If the ringleaders of the riot were identified and and brought to justice however, and their circumstances were similar to the JSO ones, then I'd expect them to be dealt with commensurately.

What a world.
No it didn’t. Russian bodies and yank money did.
It literally did stop Hitler. In his tracks at an invasion of England.

Had the UK not stopped Hitler The yanks would not have had a foothold to attack Europe from. And Russia would have taken everything Europe whilst America concentrated in Japan and the Pacific.

It couldn't have been done without the Americans and russians though.
I'm not sure I want that to happen, I want him to suffer for many, many years. And I mean truly suffer, because that would be real justice for what he did to those innocent little girls.

He'll either be killed or, after some form of rehabilitation, end up killing himself. Though depending on the method it may be hard to know which had happened.

Don't think anybody who is actually sane could live with themselves after doing that.
It literally did stop Hitler. In his tracks at an invasion of England.

Had the UK not stopped Hitler The yanks would not have had a foothold to attack Europe from. And Russia would have taken everything Europe whilst America concentrated in Japan and the Pacific.

It couldn't have been done without the Americans and russians though.

True. We aren't that special though. Just lucky to have had a stretch of water separating us from mainland Europe.
No it didn’t. Russian bodies and yank money did.
Yes it did stood alone against Hitler for 12 months while the Russians supplied Hitler with war materials and assisted with the crushing of Poland and the American public made their mind up on which side they were on. 2000 Luftwaffe aircraft destroyed over Britain along with experienced aircrew. While Britain bankrupted itself to do so.
The riots have started because a 17 year old lad walked into a dance studio in Southport stabed and killed 3 girls. A British male army officer was stabed last week outside his barracks. A female was stabbed and killed on a beach in bournemouth 2 weeks ago. Social services and police were set upon in Leeds for trying to take children of parents that were throwing them out of a window. The police then left them to riot and did nothing. The Manchester Airport incident let out on bail. If the police attempt to stop and search a member of the public who is of colour they are called racist by the left wing wokies so they don't do it anymore . The protests have been a disgrace the past couple of nights with shocking behaviour. There should of been peaceful protests. I said on another thread there is a massive security threat in this country with immigrants coming into this country with a hatred of our past. They are not taught all the great things England has done. That is just one of the many things that needs to be worked on.

Fucking hell.

The rioters did what did, not because of any of that.

They did it because they're low intelligent, morons who believed lies spread on twitter.
It literally did stop Hitler. In his tracks at an invasion of England.

Had the UK not stopped Hitler The yanks would not have had a foothold to attack Europe from. And Russia would have taken everything Europe whilst America concentrated in Japan and the Pacific.

It couldn't have been done without the Americans and russians though.
But the uk didn’t do it with uk only forces. And the enigma machine helped too, which came from a non uk source.

And none of this matters.

Why would anyone think rioting in a town where a horrific tragedy happened is beyond me, the parents and families are suffering enough. This gówno doesn’t help. Quite the opposite.

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