UK far right trouble July/August 24

Can people take the WW2 stuff to another thread.

Why does everything always come back to WW2??
To be fair, at lot of what we are seeing is connected to events leading up to WW2, the war itself, and the aftermath. ;-)
What the various riots over the weeks have shown is that social media needs regulating.

Lies shouldn't go unpunished.

That goes for the companies themselves and those who helped spread and seed them.

The likes of Farage, Tommy Robinson and the lawyer for the police attackers should be done for deliberately lying and incitement.
Oh that's alright then, if we have been invaded I guess we are OK to invade anyone we want to.

And thanks for inventing the internet, you did a nice job apart from allowing morons to get connected and vote for Nigel Fartrage and Donald Trump
vote for Nigel Fartrage and Donald Trump

surely that would be impossible ( voting for both )
Why does everything always come back to WW2??
Because people fondly remember it (perhaps mythically) as a time of close community in the face of terrible danger and evil. It's ironic that the EDL people waving the flags now have so much in common with the lot who tried to invade us in the 1940s.
I do think the police approach needs to be questioned. In Southend and Leeds they seemed to stand off completely, from people rioting. Where as last night I’ve seen videos of bystanders/ people walking through being arrested.

Obviously if you’re causing trouble or violence you deserve to be arrested and every situation is different, but the police approach seems to be a bit all over the place.

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