UK far right trouble July/August 24

This is meant in no way to minimize the three girls and everyone still fighting for their lives and all the survivors, but fuck me, he looks like a child himself. What has he done? I just can't get my head round someone with their whole life left to live doing something so violent. What will his family and friends make of it all.
They will be pictures from years ago.
They will be pictures from years ago.
I presume you’re one of those who are adamant he’s in his 30s, arrived illegally into the U.K. and your FB is full of right wing shite proclaiming that you want your country back.
It just existing certainly made us more difficult to invade than France, Italy, Poland etc though.

The fortune of geography.

There's a brilliant book called Prisoners of Geography that uses maps to explain how physical geography has impacted history and politics. You can pick up the larger format hardback for about £12 and it's a great gift for anyone interested in those sorts of things.
The policing in London last night was bizarre. Understandably they were in full riot gear as it may have turned ugly, but there was only a small amount of violence initially. People walking through the area including a new presenter were handcuffed for being in an area that wasn’t approved for the protest route, but without any warning that they were in an unauthorised area. The presenter was released when a different officer recognised him. He was just on his way home. A senior officer was heard to shout pick anyone and arrest them, despite no offences being committed, just some chanting. Many were kettled in to an area, despite their wish to go home. They were told they couldn’t leave. They were then told they couldn’t leave until they provided their names with proof of ID. The were all going to be charged with breaching the conditions of the protest by exceeding the allotted time. They were only over time because they had been kettled to an area and detained. There was little violence and 100 arrests yet in Southport there have been 5 to date after serious criminality. It was surreal to watch.
that's a lot of blah blah criticism of policng tactics by the Met-they handled it excellently, as you correctly say 'there was little violence' and little damage and certainly not dozens of officers taken to hospital by ambulances that are needed elsewhere.

Southport was an example of the police being unprepared for the sheer level of pig ignorant racists and knuckle draggers prepared to 'protest' in the name of these horrific crimes. I've alluded to it elsewhere but arresting people on the night was not practicable for several reasons-and that means when identifed suspects will be arrested in slow time.

Also, if somebody rocks up to a potential riot-you dont always get to make the decision when you go home. You've pretty much forfeited that.

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