UK far right trouble July/August 24

I am sure I read somewhere that the only place the police can use water cannon and rubber bullets in the UK is in Northern Ireland. Not sure if this if true. But surely if it's good enough for mindless brain dead criminals in Northern Ireland it's good enough for the brain dead rioters on the mainland. There is no difference that I can see ?
For the legally knowledgeable on here
If they don’t plead mental health issues, what other things would the attackers lawyer be doing ?
Would they do their best to get him a lighter sentence and what kind of reasons would they be giving for anything but spending the rest of his life in jail
I assume one will be his age

They should let the **** out but tell everyone where and when.
For the legally knowledgeable on here
If they don’t plead mental health issues, what other things would the attackers lawyer be doing ?
Would they do their best to get him a lighter sentence and what kind of reasons would they be giving for anything but spending the rest of his life in jail
I assume one will be his age
Fuck water cannon. Break out the live rounds. If you use the killing of three young girls as an excuse to go out rioting, it's what you deserve.
It isn’t a conspiracy when it is as clear as day in front of your own eyes. What I saw last night on live stream by the Telegraph was quite alarming.
You really are trying to convince me you are a right wing conspiracy theorist..hopefully not

what was alarming? loud mouths getting nicked? did you want them to be able to go where they wanted, behave how they wanted? No. it was planned and staffed properly-it ended with 100 arrests and v little trouble. Hopefully a few of them end up in court and lose their jobs. Consequences.
Fuck water cannon. Break out the live rounds. If you use the killing of three young girls as an excuse to go out rioting, it's what you deserve.

A lot of people would disagree with you but I wouldn't, if you know the consequences before.

The police need to distinguish the difference between a violent riot and a violent peace protest if it's ever going to fly though.
Not saying this is 100% accurate of definitive, but you get some protests where people turn up with banners and placards, while these rioting wankers turned up with bricks and lager.
There were some in the early part who threw bricks and bottles. It was dealt with quickly and effectively. It was the period some time after where there were no signs of violence. It looked like the police were goading them to react. Kettling them and holding them back is a legitimate tactic. But to then say they would charge them for not leaving at the allotted time in the terms of the protest is strange. They weren’t allowed to. Also, if people were in a prohibited area, which they may not know, why not approach them and tell them they couldn’t be there and to move. Arrest them if they refuse. They were coming up on the blind side and slapping cuffs on and the people didn’t understand why. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think protests are appropriate at this time of grieving and for plainly the wrong reasons, but they still have the right to.
The policing in London last night was bizarre. Understandably they were in full riot gear as it may have turned ugly, but there was only a small amount of violence initially. People walking through the area including a new presenter were handcuffed for being in an area that wasn’t approved for the protest route, but without any warning that they were in an unauthorised area. The presenter was released when a different officer recognised him. He was just on his way home. A senior officer was heard to shout pick anyone and arrest them, despite no offences being committed, just some chanting. Many were kettled in to an area, despite their wish to go home. They were told they couldn’t leave. They were then told they couldn’t leave until they provided their names with proof of ID. The were all going to be charged with breaching the conditions of the protest by exceeding the allotted time. They were only over time because they had been kettled to an area and detained. There was little violence and 100 arrests yet in Southport there have been 5 to date after serious criminality. It was surreal to watch.

I've seen this before, if the coppers feel they've been embarrassed, or outflanked, or an officer hurt, or they're under political pressure, whatever, in a previous demo, or even earlier in the same demo, they go full Rambo and arrest anyone and everyone.

I want Farage arrested, along with every fucker on GB News and Talk TV and every fruit loop on Twitter spreading lies and misinformation, these fuckers need to be made an example.

It ain't going to happen, but in the words of my favourite fascist, it would "make my day".
I am sure I read somewhere that the only place the police can use water cannon and rubber bullets in the UK is in Northern Ireland. Not sure if this if true. But surely if it's good enough for mindless brain dead criminals in Northern Ireland it's good enough for the brain dead rioters on the mainland. There is no difference that I can see ?
thats a good question-i know my force used a rubber bullet in the early 2000s...whether they are still a thing I dont know.

But they can kill-I'm not sure its viable.

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