UK far right trouble July/August 24

Fuck off you crank.

Took me all of two seconds to Google that and find out the "news presenter" was some prick from GB News who also happens to be part of Laurence Fox's mental conspiracy party, just there to stoke up trouble with the rest of the thugs.

Hardly Jeremy Paxman was it.
I've often walked him via the odd disorder.
Does this apply to Leeds and Rochdale as well.
Yeah, a riot is a riot.

I'm not really that keen on the police shooting folks, even pissed up EDL coke-heads on a night out in Southport.

The point I was trying to make is that the stuff we have seen lately is thugs having "fun". If there was more serious consequences it wouldn't be as much fun and there wouldn't be as many involved so less likely to get out of control.
I understand the dispersal order, or direction to leave will be for a particular time period and a particular location-so not knowing the circs, yes.

Thanks for clarifying I was under the impression if you are on the pavement its fine but not on the road etc..
A lot of people would disagree with you but I wouldn't, if you know the consequences before.

The police need to distinguish the difference between a violent riot and a violent peace protest if it's ever going to fly though.
There is actually such a difference between violent rioting and violent peace protest.

Violent rioting is when the group assembled actually carries out the public disorder, violence, and property damage.

Violent peace protest is when an outside group (often “counter-protesters”) carries out violence and public disorder, largely against the assembled group of protesters.

A good example of the latter would be the attack on the Anti-genocide protesters on the UCLA campus in the US a few months ago.
I don't understand why rioting is not treated more seriously.

If water canon, baton charges and rubber bullets don't do the trick then why not shoot a few of the fuckers as a last resort?

It would make the coked up pricks think twice about going out for a fun Summer's night of rioting, and reduce the appeal of it.

The last time I remember seeing full riot police out in force properly cracking heads was Manchester with the Rangers fans

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