UK far right trouble July/August 24

As for patriotism: 'Standing as I do in view of God and Eternity, I realise that patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.' Nurse Edith Cavell on the eve of her execution by the Germans. Read up on her. She was worth 10,000 of these ugly wankers hurling bricks at coppers.
Really good stuff in the first part of your post there about which bits of "culture" are long gone or still hanging around.
Edith Cavell? Yes. Her statue and that speech on it are on the edge of Trafalgar Square, next to where the old post office is/was. Here's someone unexpected who was especially fond of quoting it: Jan Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa in the 1930s. It helped him navigate being an Afrikaaner who had a rare and wider sense of internationalism, expressed in his loyalty to the (white) British Commonwealth and support for the League of Nations. Which also got him in trouble with the more nationalistic members of his party and his race.
I've tried to stay away from Twitter the last few days but had a quick look earlier. There was a ding dong between two people I know, both of whom I'd happily have a pint with, but who were, let's say, on opposite sides of the debate.

One was defending the rioters on the ground that "people were angry". My feelings on hearing the awful news were shock and great sadness, as I'm sure they were for many. But I didn't shout and scream at the TV, let alone wreck my house, or go out and attack someone or something.

So what is it that people are "angry" about? Were they "angry" when they heard about John Hunt's wife and daughters being brutally murdered? I don't recall anger, vigils and riots over that. Or any other incidents involving the deaths of children via neglect or violence.

I've heard people say "The government should do something" or "their country let them down". Do they want everyone to have personal protection, or a couple of coppers permanently stationed on every street corner?

Given that the person charged came from a seemingly devout Christian family, are they now going to start attacking churches?

I think I know the answer but I'll ask the question again, which is what exactly are they angry about?
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I've tried to stay away from Twitter the last few days but had a quick look earlier. There was a ding dong between two people I know, both of whom I'd happily have a pint with, but who were, let's say, on opposite sides of the debate.

One was defending the rioters on the ground that "people were angry". My feelings on hearing the awful news were shock and great sadness, as I'm sure they were for many. But I didn't shout and scream attheTV, let alone wreck my house, or go out and attack someone or something.

So what is it that people are "angry" about? Were they "angry" when they heard about John Hunt's wife and daughters being brutally murdered? I don't recall anger, vigils and riots over that. Or any other incidents involving the deaths of children via neglect or violence.

I've heard people say "The government should do something" or "their country let them down". Do they want everyone to have personal protection, or a couple of coppers permanently stationed on every street corner?

Given that the person charged came from a seemingly devout Christian family, are they now going to start attacking churches?

I think I know the answer but I'll ask the question again, which is what exactly are they angry about?
You can bet your bottom dollar that if the murderer of John Hunt’s family was a person of colour whatever their background the Neanderthals would have kicked off!
I honestly think it's the indiscriminate nature of this attack that is the difference.
Domestic violence (and both myself and my elder relatives were subject to that that once upon a time, and it resulted in a deserved prison sentence for the fucker) ) is something that has been prevalent for generations, in every culture.
That's not to say it's more acceptable, but it's definitely more common
Lawrence Fox, amongst others, is now splashing photos of the alleged suspect all over his Twitter.

I’m no lawyer but I’m pretty sure that would be against the law, whether it’s the right guy or not.
It is completely out of order. There should be no further commentary allowed. The courts should be allowed to handle this.

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